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Left Hand Controller..


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I've been looking at Left Hand controllers for the PC.

Does anyone have one of these?

They seem to make sense. I sometimes loose my place with my left hand on the keyboard and end up moving the wrong way.

With a left hand controller I wouldn't have to move my hand to hit a function key or something.

There's a review of the Nostromo N50 Speed Pad at


and there's the Microsoft Sidewinder Strategic Commander



Anyone have one of these or a different one?

How well does it work for you?

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I bought a ms Strategic comander today and tried it ...

It s very cool for all the buttons and stuff ....



I m not used to it yet...

Well in fact my problem is the direction ... sometimes i hit the wall and stuff...

it s funny !!

and in jk2 it s hard to use the saber too...



Well i m gonna play and get used to it lol !!!

btw what sensitivity do you use ? (in the strat commander )

(dead zone configuration ????)


i love my Srategic commander

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I was leaning towards the Strategic Commander since it has directional control and the nostromo doesn't.

The Strategic commander is being marketed only for RTS games though so I didn't know how well it'd work for a FPS.




p.s. These are the only two left hand controllers I've seen. Are there others out there?

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I'm a leftie too, but I find mouse and keyboard suits me just fine. I have an ambidextrous Logitech optical mouse with 2 buttons and a mousewheel, which controls attacks, direction and weapons selection. I move using the arrow keys, with shift and control for jumping and duckíng. If a game has a reload key, or another very common function, it is bound to keypad_ins, while backspace, enter and the ins/del/home/end/pgup/pgdown keys directly above the arrow keys take care of most common functions. This works well for pretty much all fps games for me.

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