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I quit


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I know the feeling, but I haven't quite lost faith in these forums yet. there are still some intelligent people around, and I am sure a compromise that everyone can live with will eventually emerge through a patch.


Incidentally, you will never read this, since you've obviously left the forums, but such is life.

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Originally posted by Kuroshi

I hope he has fun even after both are commercially released around the globe and patched to a new version that puts in some changes people don't like.




I want to see him invest alot of time into his next game, learn all the tricks, learn all the counters, become the best he can, and then have it all thrown out the window with the first post-relase patch. I hope that will make you happy.


I too am considering leaving the game (at least until 1.04) due to the way we were all fuked by this patch.

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There are a few minor things (apart from backstab, which is major) that aren't right yet in 1.03. But it has the potential to be even better. Saying there is nothing wrong with the patch would mean that it is perfect. And it isn't, nothing is.

SpaceMonkey, I think it is a good thing that you are defending the patch. If someone comes along and starts claiming this patch is completely useless then by all means, correct him. But I also urge you to take the proper criticism into concern because it is in everybodies interest.

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okay, but this time, it was just a quick opinion, because thats what the "situation" called for, so thats why i just said "i like this patch"


SpaceMonkey, I think it is a good thing that you are defending the patch. If someone comes along and starts claiming this patch is completely useless then by all means, correct him. But I also urge you to take the proper criticism into concern because it is in everybodies interest.
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What is everyones problem? We do you all feel the need to be so damn melodramtic? Its pathetic really, and no one seems to realize that NOBODY cares if you quit!


Why complain about the complaining, by complaining?



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Why complain about the complaining, by complaining?


Wtf :confused: It's spelled I-R-O-N-Y (as in what it would be if I had mispelled that...lol)




...do you keep your computer outside:confused:

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Bah, this is not even worthy of replying to. I've seen these kinds of things a lot.


See you under another alt-nick when you see that no other game replaces the feeling that this one gave...


lol, good call, I bet they do just that...Though personally there are games that I enjoy more than this one...


BTW, you're from Miramar? That's cool! I grew up in Coronado...

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar




I want to see him invest alot of time into his next game, learn all the tricks, learn all the counters, become the best he can, and then have it all thrown out the window with the first post-relase patch. I hope that will make you happy.


I too am considering leaving the game (at least until 1.04) due to the way we were all fuked by this patch.


Madcow wasn't leaving because of the patch, he was leaving because of people like you. Read it again.

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"if warcraft 3 is so great, and jk2 is so freaking horrible, then what the hell are you doing here, as opposed to a warcraft 3 beta forum?"


Didn't say JK2 was horrible, it is a good game. I am browsing a WC3 beta forum now too :D . Reason for JK2= a nice break from the imbalances that are being worked out in the beta, and a new game is always fun. I'm back to WC3 now though. Came here to see if much was going on.

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