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Sword of the Berserk: An early inspiration for ObiWan?

Guest Kurgan

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Guest Kurgan

The other day I was at this local used/new game/hobby shop, Cart-Mart (great place btw, lots of killer old console games), and they had a DreamCast on display, and some guy was playing it (he was either an employee taking a three hour break or a friend of their's).


I wasn't that suprised at the system, as I had seen a Dreamcast in action for the first time earlier that week, and I already knew of the awesome graphics it was capable of (are there are any non-anime style games out for it though?!). Reminds me of the CGI stuff you saw in 80's movies, and on that crappy "Reboot" TV show, only it's in the game. I digress...


This game, Sword of the Beserk (or Blade of the Beserk, depending on the translation I guess) was being played. I was struck by something as he was playing (it looked cool, about 90% cutscenes and backstory, and the rest was repetitive hacking against mutant animals.. my favorite was the dog with the two coconuts for a head). I digress again..


The interesting things were the trees.. they looked just like the trees in ObiWan.


Well technically, they look just like the trees in ObiWan and the trees in TPM game. They didn't look that bad. In TPM, the angle of the camera made it such that it was always painfully obvious that the trees were just stacks of flat sprites at 90 degree angles of each other. However, that same type of model, placed at eye level, with subtle angles, and shading and fog.. really doesn't look that bad.


The action was so intense, you started not to notice it after awhile.


I kept thinking to myself as this game was being played.. what if ObiWan ends up looking like this?


Obviously it would be a Star Wars game, and I can imagine it would have less cutscene and more gameplay, and more emphases on powers (this game had healing and a "blood lust" meter that built up to a beserk mode), and probably won't have geysers of blood (the enemies kick out at least a quart of bright red blood when they die, even from frogs the size of a bowling ball).


The sword swinging animation was great, reminding me of Bushido Blade 2. There was no first person view of course. The weapons included a sword about six feet long and a foot wide (a freudian japanese thing I think), as well as throwing knives and bombs.


I picture ObiWan being more like this game perhaps, as it sounds to be a departure from the original Dark Forces formula. Something to think about...




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited March 20, 2000).]

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Guest Darth Kurgan

Yup, good games never die, they just end up in thrift stores for cut-rate prices, and online auctions for unbelievable ransoms! ; )




[This message has been edited by Darth Kurgan (edited March 21, 2000).]

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