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new massive info report at obiwan-network

Guest jedimathias

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Guest jedimathias

Quick check out the 3 page report on Obi-Wan at obiwan-network. This report answers many of your questions. I was most impressed with the part about the new physics engine. And anybody wondering about editing, it says near the bottom that "Mr. Lucas" does not want an editor to be released by LEC but it states that we WILL!! be able to hack it like JK and make our own editors!.

Go check it out!

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Guest Darth_Simpson

Man, i was sitting and writing that article for 2 hours yesterday. My fingers were starting to hurt at the end. The preview is a copy of the one in PCGamer UK.

Enjoy y`all!!




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Guest Darth Kurgan

Hey thanks, now I don't need any scans..

unless I missed some good pictures or something. ; )



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Guest Darth_Simpson

Sorry, but no new pics were present in the PCG UK preview. We have seen them all!




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Guest Vagabond

So, does this mean no dedicated server support? No coop play?





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Guest Darth_Simpson

Nobody has said anything about that, but i think the game should have both!!

Especially coop!!

Dedicated servers wouldn`t be bad either.




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Guest Darth Kurgan

Well, since the emphasis is more on single player, you'd think they probably wouldn't be there, but then again, you never know. I'm sure they want to improve the multiplayer, and it's a feature alot more pc games nowadays have anyway.



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