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Keeping Lando Alive


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Okay, this probably sounds really stupid, but I can't keep Lando alive during the Nar Shaddaa Starpad level during the part after you open the door to his ship, but before you need to re-fuel it. The part where you enter the hanger and Lando says, " Hey buddy..." I am playing on Master level (which makes this sound even stupider) but by the time I make it to the back of the hanger to kill those enemies, more have come in from the front and Lando dies. As I go to the back of the hanger, I turn on Speed and can ususally slaughter all six or eight or whatever there, but then Lando gets killed before I can make it back to the front. I have tried laying mines at both ends, waiting near Lando, whatever, and it doesn't work. I'm just looking for some tips, without cheating, to get past this part. Thanks

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I played on Jedi mode and didn't have any trouble keeping Lando alive. I suspect though that ''Master'' would be alot harder. but my tips are the same. use lots of speed (that's Force Speed, not the drug ;) ) stay with lando and use yourself as a human shield(the lightsaber helps with this). other than that, after you play the same part in the game for a couple of hours you know when and where the baddies come from so try to kill them as quickly as they come in. :rodian::thumbsup:

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