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ASS Fighters.


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rofl Solo, I played with you there, and I can tell you that very few people did that move. I did it a bunch of times, mostly cuz I like how it looks and I want to learn EVERY technique. If you watched me later than that ONE time I did it to you (which is when you started moaning about it), then you'd see I also did regular slash combos.


I never DFAed, the move bored me.


You were there for 7 or 8 games, more than 5-10 minutes. You didnt seem to mind playing with the floorsweepers.


I do use the backslash/stab. It's a good move. I dont go running backwards into crowds, that's retarded and I feel like an idiot. But when I pull someone into me, and (w/blue stance) whip around and stab the sabre into their stomach, that feels pretty damn cool. (think Mitsurugi from Soul Calibur/Edge)


Do i spam the move nonstop? No, of course not. That would be stupid, its not appropriate for many situations. But if I have my opponent down, rolling on the ground, what shal I do, help him up? Hell no, I'm gonna kill him as best I can, with the strongest move I can. Sometimes theres time to swing around for a backsweep. More often than not, tehre isnt, so I'll slash down or sideways.


Backstab is FUN for me. Not because it gets so many kills (i dont make many with it, only in J v M), but because it feels cool! I ENJOY it. I am ENJOYING the game that I payed for, in every way I can. If you dont like the way I play my game, well, nobody else there had a problem, so you can go on somewhere else.


And you never, not once, put a boot to my head.



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Originally posted by Lord Sokar


Really now?


DFAers were doing the same thing, and obviously someone whined about it until we got this patch.


Back off of a FFA someday (stand on a ledge) and watch. It's amazing. Plus it's got a bug in it.


The reason this is going to be MUCH worse than DFA is simple. I've been in many games where someone wants to know how they can do that 'heavy jump' thing, and if it's a descent server, someone would show them (or not). How many times would you have to ask how you can walk backwards hunched over while pushing a button?


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!


look, did I ever say the backstab was a good thing in1.03. NO. I said it's a problem with the game itself, not with the people playing it. Do I want it to stay this way. Hell no, I think it's ****ing lame that a backstabber can get a ridiculous amount of kills by sticking to one move only.


But do I blame the people doing it. No way. They have just found the most effective way to win. DFA did not get changed because of people whining about how they hate DFA whores. It got changed because people complained about how dumb it was that they could get killed by walking into it after it was finished, or how FFA had descended into DFA madness. Again, why blame the people doing it? Just kill them, and if you can't do that blame the people in charge of gameplay.


Someone is always going to use whatever it takes to win. So why shouldn't I use to same thing to win? I don't like winning with backstabbing, and I think that 1.03 is a fetid pile of so much excrement, but when I play I play to win, not to lose then whine about "why doesn't everyone just play the way I want them to so I can win too?". That makes absolutely NO sense and the situation is never gonna change.


There, now do you understand what I was really trying to say? Backstab sux, blame Raven, not the people using it to win.

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idlewind, if you really think that the ass-fighter style move is lame (which it is) they you really shouldn't go around doing it, just because other people are. Work on ways around it. Backstab is mostly a defensive move. People charging around backwards with blue stance trying to spear people is insane. If you don't like the current jedi pad-a-noob style just stay away from it. If nothing else, stay above it. It's a mark of a good player to be able to overcome predicatable, low level (though sometimes very strong) tactics of a beginner.


Personally, I like using trip mines against them. You just place one primary tripmine down, and strafe them into it. One good pull can send them spawling onto it.

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Ass fighter are just dumb. There are far more effective ways to use the back stab move then trying to run backward into someone and back stab em. There are numerous very easy ways to counter that. I say let the ass fighter think that they perfected a great move and run around all day doing it. That's an easy kill for anyone with skills.


We really need a forward stab combo move added to the game. If we can get that then I would say lower the damage that back stab does 'cause a forword stab should be more powerful then a back stab. We need more powerfil saber moves because not many people have the patience to slash away at eachother for 15 minutes. We need more combo moves that are powerful. That will add more variety to the game and make it more fun. The reason why people are spamming is becuase there are only a couple of powerful moves in the game to chose from.

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Originally posted by crazyplaya73

Ass fighter are just dumb. There are far more effective ways to use the back stab move then trying to run backward into someone and back stab em. There are numerous very easy ways to counter that. I say let the ass fighter think that they perfected a great move and run around all day doing it. That's an easy kill for anyone with skills.


Numerous and very easy ways to counter it?


Hmmm.. then why is almost EVERYONE bitching about it? How come I have NEVER seen any one counter it easily?


Easy kill for anyone with skills?


Well I haven't seen any of these "skilled" players.

PLease make a demo and show us all.


You should try playing multi-player. THese people only ass fight when they are close enough to do the move.


It's not impossible to kill these players its just way to easy for them to rack up the kills.

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Originally posted by Tree


Numerous and very easy ways to counter it?


Hmmm.. then why is almost EVERYONE bitching about it? How come I have NEVER seen any one counter it easily?



Have you ever heard of a vocal minority? Not everyone is bitching! The people who like it are playing it on a server somewhere, and they far outnumber the moaning bitches. Check the poll out on jediknightII.net. Most people think the patch needs minor tweeking. And over the last few days the amount of whinners has decreased. Why? Because they're learning to play the game properly and are actually enjoying it. Shock, horror, actually dueling? Whats that all about? ;)

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I find it funny that alot of the people who decry the assfighters are people who also support this crap patch (in terms of the changes to saber fighting).


This patch totally benefitted ass players and backstabbers since the 'auto-blocking' and seeming upgrade to these moves allows them to get away with these stupid techniques were before they would have been owned if they were spamming them.


Kudos to the changes to DFA, in reality that was all we needed, the overall weakening of saber fighting has totally screwed good saber fighters.

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Numerous and very easy ways to counter it?


Hmmm.. then why is almost EVERYONE bitching about it? How come I have NEVER seen any one counter it easily?


Easy kill for anyone with skills?


Well I haven't seen any of these "skilled" players.

PLease make a demo and show us all.


OK. First of all there is a big difference between those who are actually skillful at the move and there are those that just blindly run backward and press attack. I thought that this was a post about the latter.


For those that run backward blindly I don't think I have to list the ways but here are a few - pull, push, saber throw, DFA, kick, grip, and probably others that I can't think of right now.


For those that use it with skill that is not easy to answer. These people you have to watch out for and since they are skilled at backstabing then they probably have a few other tricks up their sleve. But I don't think that was the point of this thread. People who compain about the power combo moves when used skillfully in the game need to quit bitching and start learn these moves. Without them we would have a very boring game where you just stand there slashing at eachother for 15 minutes just to get one kill. That would be lame.

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Would you like some cheese with that wine??? I swear this is the exact kind of crying that gave us the crapy patch that totaly redesigned and ruined JK2. I have never been on a server where people we doing this move and owned, I'm pretty sure this is a rare and isolated event.


I have even tried doing it and it's not an effective way to play at all. There so many ways to counter this it's not even funny. Please tell me the server names where players are doing this and winning so I can go there and destroy them.


You guys need to just freakin get better at the game instead of getting the developers nerfing it to where it doesn't take any talent to play it. JK2 was fine before the patch, and no I wasn't a DFA spammer or a drain whore( I used drain on occasion).


Bottom line is this, if you can't beat these ASS fighters you just suck. End of story. That may sound like some noob-jerk statemant but it's the sad gritty truth. Please please tell me the server names so I can show how this topic was a waste of time.

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The only good back stab or back slash is jump over people and kill people with the swing. It is very difficult and only works in very special occasions. I did this two times in a duel mode on the top of the high building in bespin FFA map. Another time I killed a speeding flag taker on the central bridge of the bespin CTF map. He was so focus on his running and was surprised by my move. I took my risk of being pulled or pushed by his co-saberists or fly too far and fall to the doom. I am still no good saberist and just want to test whether this move works. I will try this again because this is so cool.


For those ass moving back stabers, I saber throw one to death tonight. He doesn't even run away when I have already hurted him twice, so the third time he died, stupid. I also back slash many of them before.


Sometimes I back move one step to try the back slash when I know someone is chasing me or I see someone is close to my back, if I miss, I run away. I saw several flag takers use this move to kill the chasers. However, it is too dangerous to back moving that way. It is open to grip, lightning, push, pull, saber throw, back stab, DFA, medium finisher, kick, etc. Kick ass, yes, go and kick those back movng ass.

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Numerous and very easy ways to counter it?


Hmmm.. then why is almost EVERYONE bitching about it? How come I have NEVER seen any one counter it easily?


Easy kill for anyone with skills?


Well I haven't seen any of these "skilled" players.

PLease make a demo and show us all.


You should try playing multi-player. THese people only ass fight when they are close enough to do the move.


It's not impossible to kill these players its just way to easy for them to rack up the kills.


I play NF Duels, have ran in to many of these players over the past few days, and had no problem killing them. Just practice :)

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Originally posted by idlemind

backstabbers are just doing what it takes to win. There is nothing wrong with using everything in the game to win. How can you honestly expect people just to tie their hands behind their back because of what you perceive of as honor and skill. Skill ultimately means who gets the most kills in FFA and duels. If you don't agree then you're just judging people's skills by some unquantifiable properties that suit your purpose.


This is a problem with the game not the people. There needs to be some incentive not to backstab other than "someone might think I'm being cheap," some delay or punishment plus not killing in one hit. Until then peoplw will still do it to win and I don't see why they shouldn't.


They don't use everything Plato... they use one move out of many.

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Running around with you A$$ flying around trying Slap some guy with your saber is Really Gay and stoopid.


But... it works so everyone will do it. I would do it too... that is why I don't play ANYTHING but NF duel anymore.


Anyone who tries to justify the validity of the Ass moves is an idiot.

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Running around with you A$$ flying around trying Slap some guy with your saber is Really Gay and stoopid.


But... it works so everyone will do it. I would do it too... that is why I don't play ANYTHING but NF duel anymore.


Anyone who tries to justify the validity of the Ass moves is an idiot.


I don't see how using a move in a game makes someone an idiot, unless it doesn't work. I think if your strategy is 'jump off the edge every time' you're either an idiot or someone who likes losing.


If people want to play that way--more power to 'em, it hasn't worked against me so far.

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I didn't say anyone who uses it is an idiot... I said anyone who tries to justify the validity of the move is an idiot... It is Stoopid. Do you think I am wrong... Do you enjoy playing a game of pushing your Butt next to others?

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If a move is possible, barring hacks and cheats, it's valid. Since it seems to work, then it makes sense that people would argue for the validity of it. I don't care how other people play the game. I care how I play the game, and how interesting it is. If other people want to fight me backwards, they can feel free.


I think it's a stupid way of playing, personally. When you turn your back to someone you have a much greater chance of getting nailed. Other people think it's smart, for whatever reasons. I haven't played against the people here, so I wouldn't know how well it works for them. Therefore I would consider their arguments to be just as valid as anyone elses, and I doubt that they are idiots.

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Originally posted by Desslock


They don't use everything Plato... they use one move out of many.


but they use the most effective move. They're like little game theory algorithms that have discovered the most efficient way of killing. They're not going for style points, they're going for quick kills, which is the goal of the game.

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I swear... all you guys need are a bunch of Nude Kyle models and you'd be like pigs in mud... slamming your sabers and rubbing your butts together.


It is a really odd fighting style for the star wars universe... who knows maybe George is really in to that:rolleyes:

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but they use the most effective move. They're like little game theory algorithms that have discovered the most efficient way of killing. They're not going for style points, they're going for quick kills, which is the goal of the game.


I suppose that the trouble is that the quick kills only work against people who can't adapt... and they're not like game theory algorithms. It seems to me that a game theory algorithm would want to try as many things as possible. These are people who see that an attack works, write or steal a script for it, and then begin the process of spamming it.


When someone does the exact same thing again and again, it gets pretty simple to figue out how to beat them. Players with a little more panache have a longer shelf-life, and tend not to you 'you got lucky n00b' when they die...:D


Anyway, I'm just saying that with practice these people are easy to kill, the backwards fighting style is not the end all be all of lightsaber combat in JK2

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What most people fail to realize is that there are three types of game players out there. The first type is the "Skilled player" which everyone claims to be. The other is the infamous "nOOB".


My definition of a skilled player is being able to use various techniques on an opponent(s) and being able to adapt. A skilled player will not refrain from using an exploit of the game like the dfa, or backstab. They just have actual skill to know when the best time to use either of the techniques.


My definition of a nOOB is someone that really only knows 1 maybe two techniques that work in most situations, but when that person must face the "skilled player" they are often disoriented and are shooting blanks. Typically this people are the dfa, and "ass" whores. These are the players that will hear of or discover and exploit of the game and use it to get as many points (kills) as fast as possible to win. These people don't care about getting better at the game, or learning new skills they want instant gratification without work which is getting first place. They believe being in first place is analogous with having skill, which some of us know isn't the case.


I think what most people are doing now is confusing an "honorable" player with a "skilled player". What I consider an "honorable" player is one that doesn't us some exploit (dfa/backstab) to get a quick kill. An honorable player wants to work for his victory, and shows respect for his fellow players. Meaning that if he (the honorable player) feels disrespected and short changed by being defeated by a simplistic kill (dfa/backstab) he will treat his opponents with the same respect that he would like to be treated with as well ( aka: golden rule). Now just to clarify an honorable player is neither a "skilled player" nor a "nOOB" but it’s a totally separate category. Not to say that an "honorable" player isn't good at the game but they can never be called a "skilled" player as I have defined it because they don't use all techniques at their disposal (dfa/backstab) because it is dishonorable.


So just to recap people that say they are a skilled player that doesn't use the dfa/backstab are not really skilled players (according to my definition) but they are more honorable players instead. The way to tell the difference between a "skilled" player and a "nOOB" is the "skilled" player will be facing you eye to eye, and the "nOOB" will be facing you ass to eye.


The goal of the patch makers should be to make it so that there are no exploits in the game and make it so the honorable and skilled player can be one.

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I've used the backslash fairly consistently the past few days, and I've learned that it's really only fun to use during certain gametypes and situations. ie. CTF: Dont have time to duel, your carier is under attack. Or, as carrier, you're getting mobbed by 4 opponents. Pul one, backslash him, and hope it gets a few others too.


Of course, if someone spams it on me, all gloves are off. ;)


Its not as much fun to use as other tricks are. Lately I've been knocking someone over, light slash down on them, then blue lunge. It does mucho damage.


I've also gotten quite good with the kick. I challenged a fella to a duel, him with sabres me without. I kicked him to death, it was great.


Yeah, so basically, I dont use it much anymore, only if I'm in a real hurry. (and I NEVER run backwards towards people. i feel like an idiot doing that)


But I guess I'm an idiot for justifying the validity of the move in SOME situations.




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Ok first of all about this backstab thing, umm sorry kiddies this **** isnt new i ****in made that move LONG ASS TIME AGO i use pull and backstab yall think its ****in new or something, well news flash it isnt. and about it being cheap? umm i dont run into battle wit my ass facing everyone cause thats just plain ****in dumb easy to get killed and how can it be cheap? its a move just like everything else. Basically this new patch was becaues of u pussy whiners "not all of you" and the fact that after a patch and you still not being able to kill without crying to momy that should seriously tell you somthing. and SOLO you think that backstab is cheap? look at what u wrote "2. if they use this move use skills like LIGHTNING" if you think backstab is cheap, lets get nitty gritty cause lightning is the biggest non skillful thing you can do. If you are truly skilled, this move is the easiest to avoid to run into ppl runnin backwards, and kick em, and + its slow and you can see it comming. I use it so can you if you would take the time to stop bitching and learn how to conquer it you wouldnt have to bitch. I dont complain about this move because basically i can avoid and counter SO all you ****in bitch ass whiners we dont wanna hear your **** stop playin and most of all dont get onto a server and bitch how ppl should stop usin it, cause if im on i will do it to you over and over, and no matter how many patches they make there will always be a way ta rip you a new ass cause all you ppl who fuss suck and i can prove that easy. Just look at someone score all who bitch always have the low score. And if you think your hot **** come fight me, Jedi kinghts saber only server.

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