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LEC Games Boycott?

Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

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Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

Maybe we could stop buying all games related at all to LEC. I will continue to develop my TC for jedi knight and mots. Until they decide to wake up and address the needs of the starwars fans properly they do not deserve the respect of their many fans.


I am fed up of being led around by games companies, first there was tiberium sun which took 3 or 4 years to come out. This is the final straw. I have finally had enough. This message is to all those people related to LEC:

Listen up, you program games and we buy those games. If you keep messing around long enough the fans will get fed up and your company will not have any money cos' the fans won't buy any games. Therefore we pay your wages. If you don't get you act together you will not have jobs.


Stop feeding misinformation and stop messing us around!!!


From and irate Starwars fan!!!!

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Hey, I hear ya... But as much as a boycott would prove a point, you know as well as me that it isn't going to happen. It's like those damn "let's not buy gas today" ideas people get.


Whatever console it comes out on, people will buy OB1. That's a fact and LEC knows it.


Therefore the gamer is screwed again UNLESS of course he buys that console, which is what many of us will do.


Ya just can't win. Wow this was a happy post.



Everyone has got to have the sickness

'Cause everyone seems to need the cure...

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The only other LEC game I was remotely interested in was Bombad Racing (PC). Of course there is no comparing my anticipation for that game with that of Obi-Wan (PC).

; p


Sure Starfighter looked nice, but I wasn't going to buy a PS2 for a game genre I don't play very much anyway (though again, it looked mighty fine).


I will wait and see.. I'm very confident that a way to play Obi-Wan on the PC will surface, either by a later port, emulation, or some kind of console-to-pc board conversion thingy. I am not buying a brand new X-Box just to play this one game, that's for sure.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited November 28, 2000).]

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It's gotten so hard to play all Star Wars games, what with all the different games coming out all on different consoles.


I waz thrilled when I saw JPB... Then I heard it's on PS (and later on DC)... PC version please!


All the different ones, Demolition (PS & DC), Battle for Naboo (N64), Starfighter (P$2) are coming out on different platforms. So I should buy a DC, PS, P$2, and whatever else!?


Every game should at least have it's PC copy, like Racer, SOTE, & Rogue. There's no reason not too. If people can emulate them, then I am sure LEC can make 'em in a PC game.


My point is we shouldn't have to find a way to emulate OB1 or wait for it to surface. We should be able to buy the game for the PC.



Everyone has got to have the sickness

'Cause everyone seems to need the cure...


[This message has been edited by Jedi SuperBuen (edited November 29, 2000).]

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I totaly agree, PC game made Lucasarts what it is and they should stay faithful to us.

Every Star Wars game should have a PC version. Starfighter and OB1 looks kick ass, and we get stuck with fricking "Super Bombard Racing" woopie!

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Guest Pootie_Fett

Jedi Superbeun,


Actually, you wouldn't have to get both a PS and a PS2, cuz you can play PS1 games on PS2, hehe.



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Guest Jedimaster Tanskanen

Okey! All Star Wars games must release in PC!

But why they don´t release all games consoles too? That´s fair game!!!


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Actually Pootie_Fett, what I meant waz that when PS came out I would have HAD to buy one in order to play say Master of Teri Yaki smile.gif and JPB, and now for Starfighter I would need to buy P$2, which in turn means both smile.gif


I agree Jedimaster Tanskanen, every game should be released on every console. And now of course this will bring on all technical that some systems are better than others, but I say "who cares?", just eliminate, tweak or alter the game so it runs smoothly. It's just life that some games look better on some consoles than others (the age old Super Nintendo vs Sega Genesis arguments!).


I think maybe LEC is spreading there games around so that it's games stay on the "living" console? Like if DC died or N64 let's say (not saying they are, but let's pretend), well they would still have "active" games on the other consoles?



Everyone has got to have the sickness

'Cause everyone seems to need the cure...

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