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Big O'l OT post: Why do people think abandoning a discussion (flamewar) is noble?


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I've noticed this quite a bit on fourms, and I think it's time I asked.


Often, in a heated "argument", one of the parties will post saying "This is my last post, blah blah blah, you moron, blah blah blah, not worth talkin to, blah blah blah". Why do they somehow think that they have taken the noble route stepping of of the discussion they helped build?


I would understand if they posted once saying they won't return, or if they decided to bow out of the discussion after a couple of months, but when you build a discussion into an argument over the course of 8 posts, and then proceed to bow out 5 hours after your first post because the discussion is not worth getting into, I feel I must question the sincerity with which you speak. I mean, damn, who do you think you're fooling?



Ok, I'm done ranting. You can delete this after you've read it admin. =O)



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Well, in some cases, this is a quiet admission that "I'm wrong, I know it, you've proven it, but I'm not manly enough to admit it. " Read this thread at the forums I frequent. http://www.lanarchy.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=1055&FORUM_ID=11&CAT_ID=3&Topic_Title=LGS+vs+WKA&Forum_Title=GOON%21+Squad+%2F%5BLGS%5D And you'll see a perfect example of it.


Other times, however, and this is when I'm more likely to do it, is when its clear that you'll get nowhere. Ex. I'm attempting to discuss a change made in the patch, and how it only takes a little while to get used to it. In response, most people throw personal insults (think Ruffus) and call me gay/fag/whatever. I'm attempting to make a clear, concise, logical argument, and my opponents respond with things like "STFU fag! OMFG the patch is ghey! it ruined the game!!!!!11" You cant argue with that, it doesnt work.


So I'd probably say screw it and leave the thread, no point in getting myself insulted AND wasting my breath.



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