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We have now been sold out by LEC


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Members of JoF, I've never posted on your board before, but what I have to say concerns the entire JK community and anyone who signed the petition that Obi Wan be returned to a PC release. I am a member of ORB and The Rogue saberists and act as a moderator for the site <a href=http://all.at/virtualjedi>VirtualJedi</a> . Please hear me out.


The following is quoted from the interview with LEC's President at C-net's GameCenter. It can be found in complete form here: www.gamecenter.com/News/Item/0,3,0-5045,00.html?st.gc.pc.gn


"Internally, the game started going in a slightly different

direction awhile back. We believe that we are still going to make a great game out of Obi-Wan, and we are intending to bring it to a console system sometime next year. We felt that the gameplay experience is not what people were expecting--not what the PC fans were expecting. Right now we're taking a beating from a lot of our fans. We know there is an Obi-Wan petition.

Some of the comments that have been thrown at us are terrifying--we've been threatened, all kinds of horrible stuff. But in reality, none of these people actually know what the game was. They'd already formed an opinion of what the game was, without seeing what the game was. So we had a very difficult decision to make."


We were given very strong descriptions of the game by former project leader Steven Shaw, shown game play movies, a very large amount of screen shots and TOLD it was a game continuing in the vien of Jedi Knight. Instead of comforting those of us who signed the petition in good will, he sites the negatives--knowing full well none of those threats were serious, only that it's an expression of an upset gamer who's had LEC turn it's back on. Then he alludes that we made a mistake by forming an opinion that LEC was actively pursuing in the JK gaming community. We were TOLD what kind of game this would be, several, several times over directly from LEC. The president of LEC has informed us collectively that he finds some fault with the gaming community for basing an opinion amd in short believeing press given through interviews in magazines and online publications with former project leader Steven Shaw who was at the time a representative of LEC.


This is how our love and faith to LucasArts and LEC has been treated. We have been sold for a price so that Obi Wan can be released exclusively on a console system.


As gamers, many of us own more than one gaming system, so I ask you this: if a petition was started saying we WILL boycott this game if it is sold on any other platform and not made available on PC, will you sign it with me?



--Shin BlackCrane



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Guest Dave Maul



I want to play this game, regardless of the platform. Jeez, this has really blown out of proportion. Yes, everyone is angry about LucasArts decision. But the fact is, they are making the game better. Sure, current hardware may be able to play it, but very few people have high-performance PCs. I don't, and I think it will be one of the best Console games. SW Console games have sucked recently, this is the one that will set things right.




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Yeah, personally I was more looking forward to a REAL new Dark Forces, then OB1(not that I wouldn't have liked it, but I don't know, there's plenty of games with him in it already).Hey, I saw a lightbulb above my head, now what if LEC would put PC-OB1 "in the freezer" for a while, and when the time is right, that LEC then releases it for the PC.(and that they then perfect it, with new levels etc.).




I am your father.

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Guest mathomas

From the Gamecenter Part IV article, LEC will be making an announcement in the next few weeks of a game based on the original trilogy. I will happily forgive LEC if they are going to announce DF3!!!


If they had to cut out stuff from ObiWan like multiplayer and special saber controls from the original design, I won't hold it against them. It still follows the design of JK as a first person shooter, and I am sure there will be things like force powers, but it can be alot like JK without making PC users happy with the final product.


I am sure that all the graphical advances and other development they worked on for Obi-Wan will filter it's way into the next Dark Forces! Fewer polygons, not as pretty, but it will be a true sequel to Jedi Knight. Multiplayer, more guns, bring it on!





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Guest Darth_Simpson

Wonder what new control system they have...? We know they scrapped the Glyph system! But FPS on consoles with a controller is crap. And don't say that the game will support a keyboard. Most concole gamers will never get a keyboard, therefore the programmers must use the contoller as the starting point. I hate to say it, but a gamepad just plain sucks when it comes to playing FPS games!

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