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help in mines, doors suck.


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ok, so i'm in the mine.....i've done some stuff but i can't get any farther. i'm in the big room that the cat-walk goes through, and i cannot open the door that is across from the elevator (the one where you go in and 4 troopers come down) and i can't open the other arched shape door in the same room.

am i suposed to try to get on the tram thing? i've been in the big black exhaust pipe, but i always die.

help! spoiler? i've been trying to figure this out for hours! :(

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I can't give you a full spoiler, because I don't remember every bit of it...


But yes you need to ride the Tram. make sure you have it turned on in the main control room.


The tram is accualy another puzzle.




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ok you need to go to the part where you go outside and if you look down you will see a pipe slidding in and out so you climb inside that pipe and go throgh the tunnel and when you approah a red thing in the center of the room then you must destroy it so give it everything you got and just blow it up when you finished that just go back to the room where the trams are and go in the room go to the far control panel and look to your left or right you will see a platform climb up it and jump on the tram and ride it until you see a green room which will be your stop so as soon as you leave that room then jump to the green room where you will find little aliens just use your stun gun thing and that should take care of them hope that this helps.




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