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Gateway JK2 Tournament


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I just read this morning about a JK2 tournament. Gateway and Nivdia and other companies are hosting a tournament. You have to register on the Gateway site and they send you a confirmation e-mail. You need to go to the nearest Gateway store to play. From what I read you need to have 15 bots and you need to get 12 kills the fastest. You will then go against other players (so I think) I was just practing and I got twelve kills in 5 minutes.


By the way it is Full Force, and Guns allowed






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it's actually not FF.


It's padawan level (icky) and you have to play with teh default bindings...


Lots of practising in the horizon for me. Specially since I'm soo used to inverted mouse.


I doubt I'll win anything. I'll just go there bum around and gawk at computers which are waaaaay better than my crappy one which can barely run JO :p

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None of you know what you're talking about becuase it's all rumor. Besides this contest was suppose to be...what's the word...hush-hush!!! Here's a tip: Don't say any more, the less people know, the better chance you have of winning!!!

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Originally posted by Jade Skyhiker

Specially since I'm soo used to inverted mouse.


Wow, that's stupid! I don't see how that would tip the scales from one player to another.


And JekRendar, what are you talking about? Turn to page 32 in the latest issue of PC World and Gateway has an add for it, clear in print. :)

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Originally posted by bsbuckeye21


Wow, that's stupid! I don't see how that would tip the scales from one player to another.


And JekRendar, what are you talking about? Turn to page 32 in the latest issue of PC World and Gateway has an add for it, clear in print. :)


I know, dumb rump! But, did you notice it wasn't in PC Gamer or CGW!?! Why? Becuase Gateway doesn't want too many people to enter!

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You can't really avoid this lol, I've known about this for 3 weeks now, since getting my copy of PC Mag. Anyone that subscribes to any PC magazines is guaranteed to see it in any of the Gateway ads




THe rules are (which are rather limiting) is that:

You can NOT configure the game whatsoever and play with the default keys, default settings and with the equipment which is there. P4 Gateway PC's with gF4 cards, with the generic (I'm guessing) Gateway mouse, keyboard and monitors.


THe challenge is playing the game with the default configs LOL.


It still irks me that the default configs are quite icky. They shoulda stuck with teh default JK settings which were a lot playable (with teh inverted mouse as a default)


I'm guessing they're keeping EVERYTHING standard cos knowing me, It'll take me quite some time configuring everything to my liking and since they want everything to go smooth and give everyone an equal chance to play, they're eliminating configuring/tweaking time.


I doubt I'll win anyways.. Just more reason to gawk at the gF4 power :D and play the game without my PATHETIC computer.


EDIT: btw, there ARE guns, but you can use your sabers. It's FFA, and you just have to kill 12 enemies before another bot kills 12. Anything goes. And it's padawan force level - another ick

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