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Please help on level 7 of MOTS.


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I'm stuck on level 7 of MOTS. I've gone down the spiral stairs into the bar and have killed all the bad guys. I've found all the power ups, but now I can't figure out what to do next. I've gone back up the spiral stairs, but can't figure anything out there either. I've found the 1st secret area. I'm thinking I have to get by the 2nd crashed ship, but can't figure out how. Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!

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I remember the spiral stairs area but I know you don't have to get by the second crashed ship - as a matter of fact you can't - you can only look through it. Isn't there a small door for you to walk through or possibly the giant door that opens? If you could describe what you see in detail when you get to the top of the spiral stairs I might be able to help. I checked the walkthrough and I couldn't even find a mention of the spiral stairs and I'm sure I've deleted the save games for that level - I'm currently on Level 10.


I know it get's frustrating - I was stuck at one place for a day because I forgot that you use the space bar to use the wrench and not the ENTER key!

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Go out of that cantina, meaning back up the spiral stairs and back into that room with the low ceiling. You see all of those slanted pedistals around the perimeter of the room. Look at where each of those meets the wall until you find a metal grate. Slash through it and you found your way out.

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