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Are they doing anything????


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We haven't seen a decent SW game since XWA, and that was what, 2+ yrs ago????

TPM was a joke, so along comes our savior, Obi-Wan. Then after over 1 yr of waiting, they give the community some BS technical excuse that no one will buy into. All we have to do is look at the quality of current PC games that are already out. I'd just like to see an announcement that they are even working on a follow up SW PC game.

Something decent. DF3 perhaps. There never was an expansion for XWA, thankyouverymuch LEC. Only releasing games for that joke the PS2 after the PC gaming community supported the XWING/DF series so well is an insult.

The least they could do, is let us know that something GOOD is in the works.

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*sigh* Well, if you'll notice I just registered and that was post #1. *sigh*

I work, I don't scan forums all day. Just trying to find out what's going on with LEC. *sigh* I knew about the Obi thing when it was announced, and I'll still feel the same way in a year, even though nothing will change the status, that petition won't work, but I did sign it. *sigh* Maybe the concept of a messageboard has changed in the last 2 months. All I wanted to know is if they're working on anything, because I can't see any proof of it. *sigh* I scanned through previous posts, but can't see that anyone here has any news about upcoming projects.

*sigh* SuperBuen, don't bother posting a reply just to be an ass, that would be redundant. *sigh*

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Sighs, whining.. it's Al Gore!


Lol, just teasing there bub, no reason to get upset. ; )


It's old news to us, but perhaps it isn't to you, fair enough.


Actually, LEC's technology excuse was dead-on (thankfully they elaborated later in interviews, as I didn't 'buy it' initially either). Call it development hell or whatever you want, but the point was that mainstream PC's just couldn't handle Obi-Wan (their minimum spec was lost in the shuffle).


As to their "quality standards" that's just their own opinion of what they are doing, we can't really say since we don't know what those standards really are or what they apply to (probably their new products in development).


I would have loved to see Obi-Wan on the PC as it was originally intended, and I'm sure my current machine would be able to run it fine, but they had their reasons for cancelling it.


It looked promising and I'm sad that it was cancelled, but it's not the end of the world.


You never know, perhaps somebody will come up with an emulator/converter or something or maybe it will get ported later.



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Listen "friend", if that was your first post you think you would read what was on the forum first before posting something.


SuperBuen, don't bother posting a reply just to be an ass, that would be redundant.


First of all don't tell me what to post and not post. And secondly, calling me an ass for being redundant? YOU'RE the one that's posting a topic that has been discussed MANY TIMES already.


So next time you're gonna post something, why don't you do like everyone else does and read up on the forum you post before?




You can do it your own way

Just as long as it's done just how I say...

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