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nuetral Saber guide (something for those who don't agree with ASC, or SC)


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how about an FSC? (friendly saber code)


rules are:


1. Don't be an ass

2. Have fun

3. if you don't have fun find a server where you do have fun




oh yeah forgot, people who are part of this code don't have to put anything in their name, also, they don't have to show any special behaviour to players who are part of some other code :)

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Originally posted by Dea

how about an FSC? (friendly saber code)


rules are:


1. Don't be an ass

2. Have fun

3. if you don't have fun find a server where you do have fun




oh yeah forgot, people who are part of this code don't have to put anything in their name, also, they don't have to show any special behaviour to players who are part of some other code :)



Hey, thats an even better name for it!! I thought of something similar and posted it in the ASC thread, and I totally agree with you--spread the word!!!!!

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Codes schmodes...


They're all arbitrary anyway. I've known SCers who have broken their code....I've seen ASCers bow, I'm sure I'll see NSCers attack someone with their saber off.



For everyone, just keep this in mind. If you are in a Free For All server EXPECT to be attacked the moment you spawn, with any and every weapon that is available, with every Force power, and with every cheap ass move that is out there. DEFEND YOURSELF.


If it is a Public server you CANNOT EXPECT others to live by your rules, SC, ASC, or any other damn code. Christ, laws differ from county to county, state to state, province to province, country to country. A crime in St.John's may not be a crime in L.A., but if you GO to those places you're expected to play by their rules.


Pick your servers carefully and you'll find the kind of game you want, but don't flame those who come into a Public FFA server, with Jedi Master level and full weapons and complain because he shoved a rocket up your butt while you were bowing to someone...


DEFEND YOURSELF. It's the only Real-World code that'll work in a game.

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Originally posted by tempest8008

Codes schmodes...


They're all arbitrary anyway. I've known SCers who have broken their code....I've seen ASCers bow, I'm sure I'll see NSCers attack someone with their saber off.



For everyone, just keep this in mind. If you are in a Free For All server EXPECT to be attacked the moment you spawn, with any and every weapon that is available, with every Force power, and with every cheap ass move that is out there. DEFEND YOURSELF.


If it is a Public server you CANNOT EXPECT others to live by your rules, SC, ASC, or any other damn code. Christ, laws differ from county to county, state to state, province to province, country to country. A crime in St.John's may not be a crime in L.A., but if you GO to those places you're expected to play by their rules.


Pick your servers carefully and you'll find the kind of game you want, but don't flame those who come into a Public FFA server, with Jedi Master level and full weapons and complain because he shoved a rocket up your butt while you were bowing to someone...


DEFEND YOURSELF. It's the only Real-World code that'll work in a game.


Be polite, be nice, be courteous. Maybe I'm naive, but some simple things to live by can make a game more fun, and make real life more rewarding.

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This must be a american idea cos only americans seem to need to legeslate common curtousy (pedestrian right of way law)

Word. I lived in Europe for a while and the laws there make WAY more sense than the ones here. Anyhoo, how about this. The admins DELETE all code related posts, and make sure to put a 0 tolerance policy on code posts, deleleting said posts until the end of time. If you need a code just to be polite, the please, OH PLEASE, find a steamroller, place yourself under it, and have someone turn on said steamroller, because sir. You are scum.

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This code isn't to piss other people off. One of the rules is not to force down other peoples throats. It is to make it more fun for the people who use, if you don't like it don't use it. I am running my own server that follows NSC and i have some controll on that but elsewhere i have no controll over others and i don't try to have any. I just follow my rules and if they don't well i'm not complaining

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Originally posted by Dracofyre

Word. I lived in Europe for a while and the laws there make WAY more sense than the ones here. Anyhoo, how about this. The admins DELETE all code related posts, and make sure to put a 0 tolerance policy on code posts, deleleting said posts until the end of time. If you need a code just to be polite, the please, OH PLEASE, find a steamroller, place yourself under it, and have someone turn on said steamroller, because sir. You are scum.


:confused: Apparently in Europe they enjoy dictatorships?... Don't appreciate people's right to express their opinions? This doesn't sound the Europe I was born in, but since you felt the need to turn this in an America versus Europe debate, we'll start with what appear to be Europen views...


Apparently the more European view is to advocate the steamrolling of freedom of expression. Did it ever occur to you that the concept behind these codes was not to guide but rather to declare? People want to show their support for a certain point of view, and hope to teach and mold others who don't have firm beliefs to share it.


Also, apparently in Europe you steamroll rude people....and rather ironically...


The point of this post is not to say 'AmErIcA R00lz'--I don't really care, I'm Canadian and Canada is the only existing Utopia--the point is to say that your views do not represt those of an ideal society in anyones mind but Stalins...if you get my drift.

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I'm sure that *ASC* was predominantly a tongue in cheek thing, but with some truth behind it - it does signify that *ASC* will fight how they choose to and not be bound by some sodding code just to satisfy some people who take things too far.


Or thats how I intepret it, hey its up for interpretation, right?


edit: Its quite funny how the last bloke makes fun of europe tho. I'm a European and i'm not a dictator\nazi whatever you want to call me but its funny you think i am

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edit: Its quite funny how the last bloke makes fun of europe tho. I'm a European and i'm not a dictator\nazi whatever you want to call me but its funny you think i am


:( No...that wasn't my point at all. Reread it, I think if you read with a little comprehension, you'll note that it is my intention to defend Europeans from having poorly thought out theroies attatched to their name.


Your poiint about the *ASC* is exactly correct

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Originally posted by Lemon[H]ead

ah...I see. Kiddies that's why you LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. Heh, sorry for assuming the worst, m8 :) I'm just a f00 European



:D Damnable Scots...would typing slower help?? (sorry...couldn't help it, I'm about a generation removed Scot...)

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i was in a server called:

NSC server


and there were a bunch of people running around killing you when you bowed, killing you if you tried to start a duel and breaking every rule you just mentioned


i was the only person who actually knew what the nsc was, i asked em if they realized what it was and they went "huh?" and then i told them and they said "that's a bunch ****"


me sa thinks you should get somebody to moderate your nsc servers and kick those people...

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Twins Of Doom: I am pretty sure you are talking about my NSC server (its called just "-NSC- Server"). If so, sorry about that, i'm the only moderator and i can't seem to figure out most of this server stuff (you know a web site that can help me? I REALLY need one lol). And I can't be on all the time, but when i am i do enforce the rules.

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Doh! It's incredible what leaving out a paragraph break can do. My views concerning all of those "code" posts are not about limiting free speach. They are about how these codes are practically turning into cults. When the codes were first posted, I saw them and didn´t think anything of them. Now though...I just don´t like what I see. There´s practically a holy war going on between the ASC and the SC. That is not healthy for the JK2 community. I also don´t like the fact the people have to have codes to be polite. What the hell is up with that! I´m sorry I didn´t clarify that in my original post. I´m sorry if I offended you. That was not my original intention.

Apparently in Europe they enjoy dictatorships?... Don't appreciate people's right to express their opinions? This doesn't sound the Europe I was born in, but since you felt the need to turn this in an America versus Europe debate, we'll start with what appear to be Europen views...

I don´t know where the hell this guy derived this from, but it coudn´t of been from my post. I never said anything like that.

Just that the laws make more sense.

People want to show their support for a certain point of view, and hope to teach and mold others who don't have firm beliefs to share it.

So you want to create religions in the JK2 world? That´s why I want these code posts deleted.

Oh by the way, I´m not European, I´m American, I only lived in Europe for 3 years.

On a side note, let´s do our best to keep this discussion civil. Thanks.

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I don´t know where the hell this guy derived this from, but it coudn´t of been from my post. I never said anything like that.

Just that the laws make more sense


It was implicit in your suggestion. We should just delete those posts? If you compare this to a government, that is similar to supressing idea's to the benefit of the state, something which is classically dictatorial (have you seen EpII, remember the line 'someone should make them agree' ?). That is what I was responding to.




There´s practically a holy war going on between the ASC and the SC. That is not healthy for the JK2 community.


Of course it's healthy, rivalry and competition is a healthy thing, unless they're actually going out and hurting people. Have you read some of the posts about SC vs ASC planned duels? They are generally civil, as I understand.


My views concerning all of those "code" posts are not about limiting free speach.


You're talking about supressing an idea. Whatever your justification for the supression of the idea, it's still very much about limiting free speech.


So you want to create religions in the JK2 world? That´s why I want these code posts deleted.


Personally I think it's all a bunch on nonsense, I don't want anything to be created. If other people want to, it's there prerogative--supressing that is what would be unhealthy.


Oh by the way, I´m not European, I´m American, I only lived in Europe for 3 years.


I realized that, and I was trying to point out that your ideas have nothing to do with European ideaolgy, via sarcasm. I see that that statement was unrealated now, whoopse :D


On a side note, let´s do our best to keep this discussion civil. Thanks.


You think I was being uncivil? Is this your first time visiting a forum?...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by morte_man

Twins Of Doom: I am pretty sure you are talking about my NSC server (its called just "-NSC- Server"). If so, sorry about that, i'm the only moderator and i can't seem to figure out most of this server stuff (you know a web site that can help me? I REALLY need one lol). And I can't be on all the time, but when i am i do enforce the rules.


well...don't know a website...but i think to kick somebody it would be

kick name here

and you can also go



but that's the extent of my knowledge.....try to find Jedi Drikan, he runs the NJO duel server and seems to know his stuff pretty good;)


i'll talk to him for you (if i can get a hold of him)

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You think I was being uncivil? Is this your first time visiting a forum?...

No and no to both your questions, I was just saying let's keep this from turning into a flame war.

I don't know, I like the idea of the codes, but I don't like what the members are doing with them. Take for instance the SC's propensity for kick voting people. They are taking their codes WAY to seriously. The codes were meant to be fun little ideas, not a firm set of rules on the level of the ten commandments. Go through ArtifeX's original *ASC* post and you'll see what I am talking about. The post was meant as a funny satire on the SC's original post, but it wasn't long till the SC went nuts and started flaming the post, and soon after that the battle lines had been drawn. I don't like that. I just want there to be a sort of peace between both of these "clans"(cause let's face it, that's what they are) online, and in the forums. If it takes nuking the original posts, then that's what needs to be done.

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These people would be doing the same things (kickvoting) without the code, they would just use different reasons for it. People can be bad no matter what ideology they follow, the ideology just gives them an excuse. I don't think deleting the threads will solve the real issue--the people. The only thing that could do that is going door to door and whupping nerd rear, ala Jay and Silent Bob :p



And I did read Artifex's ASC post, in fact I've been to both of his site's and read up on all of that, and have read the original SC stuff. I think all of this clan stuff is just silliness, as I've said before. I think a person should just do what they think is right, and if we did that, then we would all be better off.

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Sigh i've pretty much started ignoreing these American vs European posts, and Twins Of Doom i know how to kick someone i just don't know how to do it without quiting the game to get to the console. Thanks anyways though. Anyone know a good web site for server hosting? Anyone at all?


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Originally posted by morte_man

Sigh i've pretty much started ignoreing these American vs European posts, and Twins Of Doom i know how to kick someone i just don't know how to do it without quiting the game to get to the console. Thanks anyways though. Anyone know a good web site for server hosting? Anyone at all?



...why me??? It wasn't an american vs European post, if it was I wopuld have responded to someone else entirely. Please read posts before you criticize them.

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