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Battle droid with a light saber?

Guest Hannibal

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Guest Grand Admiral Thrawn

Hehe. Maybe you just need a bigger monitor. Know what's fun? Hooking your computer up to a projector and playing games on a 100 inch screen! I did that last week for Unreal Tournament. Sniping was so good!



The Darkside? I've been there. Do your worst.


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Guest Kurgan

You never know.. we didn't see this, but it's not impossible.


Assuming nobody "edited" that shot of course.


; )


It's kinda long for a blaster shot, but it does look like Obi is "blocking" something, so that's plausible.


Keep in mind, in MP you can be a battle droid, but then again, we don't know if you can hold a saber too. But I'm sure you could do some kind of work-around so you could.




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 15, 2000).]

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Guest NinjaFox

A droid with a light saber ? Seems a bit Mecha Godzilla to me ! Or worse, Mecha Streisland ! God forbid !

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Guest Kurgan

Looking more closely at that pic, I'd say it's definately a blaster shot!


However, a "training droid" with a saber would be kind of cool. ; )




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 16, 2000).]

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