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Obi Wan on GBC!!!???!!??

Guest Ben_Kenobi

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

OK so the game was canceled for PC cause the game was too much for the PC to handle now I see on friday 4/6/01 that it is comming out for Game Boy Color? Whats up with that LA?



Nothing good can ever come from staying with normal people......

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Guest Ben_Kenobi

Yes thats the name of it I just caught the last half of the review on Extended Play. I though it was Obi Wan form the discription they gave of the game. If it was not THE game then when the heck are they gonna release it and for what system?



Nothing good can ever come from staying with normal people......

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Guest Boba Rhett

Nobody knows. frown.gif I did downloa... err, I mean buy... The Obi Wan Adventures game and it's actually pretty good.




I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.


[This message has been edited by Boba Rhett (edited April 09, 2001).]

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Guest Garindan

tell him rhett. i honestly forgot the website. you can get a ton of newer roms there. rhett, you should put the website in your signature, or somewhere in your profile, that way kurgan won't be able to mod it. biggrin.gif

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Guest Garindan

just give rhett your email and he'll email you the website. It's got all the new roms (i get them but rarely play them since they're not portable unless you gotta laptop)

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Guest Bakudo



I have a question. Since the game is made for the Game Boy, does that mean it won't be full screen on my computer?




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Guest Boba Rhett

Depends on the emulator you have. Some keep it small while the better ones allow you to adjust the size any way you'd like as well as change the colors used.

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Guest Boba Rhett

I won't do any good. they removed the GBC roms last month. I can send obi wan to you though.




I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.

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Guest Bakudo

Ok, just send it to me. My e-mail is on a post just a little higher. Anyway, here it is again. michelbibeau@videotron.ca




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