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"Correct" Saber Blades (Please, LEC!)

Guest Cobaac

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Guest Cobaac

Wanna know what Obi-Wan REALLY needs? I mean, the upcoming game, not the guy in the movie.


The game needs to have "correct" lightsaber blade animation. I haven't seen much of the game so far, just screenshots, no movies, but every shot I've seen in which Obi-Wan is taking a swing, there's a transparent blue blur behind a narrow, opaque-but-fuzzy light-blue-but-almost-white line. Sure, I realize that that's meant to represent the lightsaber blade, but that's not how they look in the movies when quickly moved.


In the movies, there is a defined edge between the brilliant white opaque saber core and the transparent colored glow around it. When in motion, the white core itself widens, and the glow stays the same distance arond the core as it does when perfectly still. Pause any of the movies when someone takes a big swing, or hit slow-motion, and you'll see exactly what I mean.


I know it's a small point, one which won't affect how much I enjoy the game, but only one Star Wars game has gotten it right, apart from the 2-D side-scrollers on the Super NES. Jedi Power Battles got it wrong, Episode I got it wrong, and Jedi Knight was way off. Masters of Teras Kasi was able to accurately display lightsabers in a 3-D polygon game, but there's no chance in hell I'm going to lay down hard-earned money for that steaming load. But it's proof that it can be done.


So my point is, whatever Teras Kasi did with the saber effects, Obi-Wan can do it too.



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Guest jedicamp

yeah, what he said.



Friends are just enemies who don't have the guts to kill you. - jedicamp

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Guest Hannibal

With so much else they can mess up I'm suprised this is the aspect that will cause you not to buy this game. Personally they can keep that in for all I care, as long as they improve the multiplayer aspect and the single player doesnt suck. So far the environments look great and so does the character animation.

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Guest Neumi

I know the effect from the movies, but that'S a aspect of motion blur. Implementing THAT would be difficult (if it should not suck). I saw something like that in older SW games (very old) and it didn't work. People like to see what they are doing and this trail system workd fine in TPM. It's a nice effect.


The trail in the movies looks different as in the shots (could be a problem with the mpg-encoder), when we see OB1 blocking blaster shots.



If you want effects like in the movie than:

the saber would not shine, no blue light would be visible.

the same for blaster shots

blaster shots would be much longer, they would loo like lasers.


LEC people changed a lot effects in the previous SW games. You can see in ANY SW game, that effects are different as in the movies, not because it was not possible, but because it works better in the game. Certain effects are better for games, others are better for movies. It's not that we got to WATCH Obi Wan, we o to PLAY it.

When I played OBi Wan I will decide, if the saber system is good or not, but not looking at screen shots (V5's motion blur sucks on shots but looks very good in movement).


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Guest Kurgan

They were using GeForce cards for the ObiWan displays, if that helps...


What the sabers look like (they look fine) or whether or not the Jedi wear robes will not affect my decision to buy the game or my enjoyment of it.



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Guest Cobaac

I'll admit, I didn't make this clear in my original post, and it's gotten a lot of response. Come hell or high water, I'm buying Obi-Wan the second it hits shelves, no bones about it. In fact, scientists predict that the games availability will cause money to leap from my pocket, travel at approximately 765 mph of its own power to the counter of my local software retailer the moment the store opens, at which point the game will be drawn to my computer desk in a similar manner.


Exaggeration, yes. what I mean is that I'm definitely purchasing the game, regardless of how the sabers look. I mean, I love Jedi Knight, even though their sabers look like poo.


I was merely pointing out that Masters of Teras Kasi was able to nearly replicate in a polygonal environment the saber effect seen in the movies. I can't see why any development team wouldn't want to be as accurate as possible in portraying the movie they are adapting into a game. Sure, I'll buy the game and love every second of it if they map Clancy Brown's face onto Obi-Wan, but I'd prefer that they use Ewan MacGregor.


No offense intended with that Clancy Brown thing, Kurgan.



"If you keep coming back to life, then I'll kill you as many times as it takes!"

-Kibagami Jubei



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Guest Neumi

The shadows ae much worse than the blades.


Someone told me, in the 3 short videoswe can see the shadow of the saber handle.

Means: One round shadow for OB1 and one for the saber. I hope they'll give us real (rendered) shadows, I don't want such a crap.


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Guest jedicamp

Yeah, I don't care about the saber stuff until I buy it. It's still gonna be cool. Most of the images I've seen look like your playing the friggin movie. It looked that good. - jedicamp



Friends are just enemies who don't have the guts to kill you. - jedicamp

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Guest Hannibal


I cant wait to do this!!!


[This message has been edited by Hannibal (edited June 02, 2000).]

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Guest SeTSwiPe

Actually from what I read of the Star Wars Series (and with friends as fanatics I have to in order to keep in conversation). The lightsabers white core isn't supposed to have a solid border as mentioned. I just think the movie did that for sake of simplicity. Think about it. All the scenes were done in cg. The sets were made only to look real in the immeadiate surroundings (they were only about 7 ft tall) and the rest was filled in by computer. If the entire movie was made that way, you don't mind as much on the detail of making little pixels fade into the outer color. This also applies to the blur effect in the game. Another thing is that they are jedi. Jedi reflexes are...well... inhuman. The movie Should have done the blur effect for the sabers all the time but a) time/cost effort would be too much b) we wouldn't see anything and would complain that all we see are blurs

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Guest SeTSwiPe

Oh, and about the white center widening, that's just for a little dramatic flare. Lightsaber brightens and even blinds the screen for cool looking special effects/fights. For those who don't know a light saber doesn't work like most would think. There's a little orb thing extends from the base of the hilt that shoots the laser the bottom where it is then grounded (I told you I had SW fanatics as friends). So in essence a lightsaber 'shoots down' not 'out'. Following this there is no reason that the white core should brighten in anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Jedi Master Xai-Qui

I though Jedi Knights Sabers were okay, then epI:The phantom Menace Game came out. I thought that this was really cool. The blades left a blur trail and they made the walls glow. The blade was a thin precision instrument in that game unlike in Jedi Knight where the blades were huge and blocky and left no trail.

Yes a white centre annd a glowing surface would be great. If the games designers made everything perfect the graphics cards would fill a room and would be larger than your pc.

You would need a ton of memory as well and loads of hard disk space.

I would be happy if they end up looking like the ones in EPI:TPM. What I liked most was the precision of the saber. But this tiny factor will not influence me buying the game. Hell I already have the money saved up for it! I don't care what it is like I want to buy it whatever.




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Don't forget that we can always edit it! By the way, I know what he means by the shadow effect. Try playing Jedi Power Battles for Playstation, it dones the shadow effects very nicely! I think the lightsaber are good enough in Obi Wan, if you didn't know. TPM's sabers are whiter(sounds different too. Especially's darth maul's lightstaff. Which I hope the lightstaff will be in MP) than the other movies.

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Guest Kurgan

Yeah, not to mention Glowblades.


Honestly, I think the control of the lightsaber is of primary concern, the eyecandy secondary.


I could care less if it has trails or a big colored bubble around it, so long as I have control over it.


Thus far, the game that has the best saber control, IMHO is JK/MOTS. The worst would probably be Jedi Arena for the 2600, and second worst would be Jedi Power Battles.

; P



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