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Mapping Theory: NODRAW vs CAULK


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I've used nodraw in places where I could have gotten away with caulk and visa versa, so Im not sure if there is much of a diff. I tend to use caulk in any situation where I don't need a texture drawn (hidden from any players view) and I use no-draw specifically where I don't want a texture in areas that players can get to.

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you get faster framerates with caulk... just what i've heard myself... with nodraw it just doesn't render it yes but it's not blocking vis, with caulk it's blocking vis so the framerates of the map are better. i saw a tutorial somewhere that explained it all, but the link has slipped my mind here. i did find this in the Radiant Manual.



Location: (common/caulk)

Color: Opaque Pink

Game Function: Caulk, the miracle texture. It blocks vis. It seals the world off from the void. It doesn't draw (so it doesn't add to triangle counts). It keeps curves from competing with textures behind them. It looks like hell if you see it in your world. From the View menu (View > Show > Caulk), you can toggle on and off the display of caulk brush sides.



Design Tips: When you build a brush entity (a.k.a. b_model), mark all the brush sides that you will never see with caulk. Otherwise, the game draws every one of them. Even if you're only making a one-piece door, mark all the non-viewed sides with caulk. The same holds true for detail brushes. If you can't (or won't ever) see a brush face on a brush that's been marked as detail, paint it with caulk. Next, whenever you build a curve, try to build the brush geometry immediately behind it out of caulk. Finally, look around your map for brush faces that you suspect are being drawn, but are never seen: door pockets, bars, underneath bridges or very low railings and so on. It may sound like work, but attention to detail like this buys you both the appearance of greater geometric detail in the map AND faster game running speed.

More Design Tips: Finally, and this should be used with great care, a caulk brush can be used to create an invisible support for entities. If you place a very thin caulk brush floating above a surface that would otherwise not support an entity (example: a grate made of clip brush), the brush will not draw in the world, but will support the entity. The reason for this is that SUSPENDED entities are not "seen" by bots unless they can be reached by a jump pad.

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Well then, in what situation would you ever want to use CAULK? Couldn't you just put NODRAW_SOLID on the outside walls for the same effect?



AHHH!!!! No! Don't ever do that!


Use CAULK. Constantly.


I actually build my whole map w/ caulk, then go back and texture it later.


The caulk helps fps only in that if you have a wall that uses nodraw_solid, VIS will not be blocked, where as Caulk will block it, and help FPS.


Also, it's best to caulk all unseen surfaces. It will speed up the VIS proccess, IIRC. Basically, it's good practice. And why do you think Raven made an autocaulk command for JK2R? ;)

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This questions seems to me like :

why don't we use a shotgun when we play tennis. If we just kill the opponent, there is no need for a racket. ;) j/k


They both are designed for a reason. Therefor use them for the things they exist for :)

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I'll tackle both of them :


Vis is a stage of the compile process. It splits your maps in nodes. When the nodes are done, it defines which node can see another node, and created a portal between them.


Why not use caulk instead of a nodraw_solid?


caulk :



surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nodraw



nodraw_solid :




qer_editorimage textures/system/nodraw.tga

surfaceparm nomarks

surfaceparm nodraw

surfaceparm nonopaque

surfaceparm trans




Trans says you can see through it :)

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Trans says you can see through it


It almost says that you can pass through.


Most of the common of the wall, floor and dorr textures have the same role as caulk except that caulk is the only one to not be drawn.


Btw always put caul behind curves to seal the map form the void.


It's not a problem if the caulk textures is merged with the patch, cap, bevel or any other curve since caulk won't be drawn, so you won't have Z-fighting in your map between the texture you put on your patch/curve and the caulked surface that will in fact produce the Hall Of Mirror effect if let seeable to players.

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Well then, really, where would you use nodraw_solid where you wouldn't use caulk?


For an example, go to bespin_streets and turn on noclip. Zoom over to where the second snipers were sitting shooting you from across that black void into the window.


As you'll notice, they are standing on a nonexistant texture... it's blank, and yet it is solid.


Couldn't you use caulk here? And if you can, why would you ever use nodraw_solid?

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Originally posted by RichDiesal

Well then, really, where would you use nodraw_solid where you wouldn't use caulk?


For example Nodraw_solid is used when you create windows made of glass. If you have a window which consists of multilpe brushes, the sides which touch each other should have nodraw_solid texture so the glass looks seemless.


Nodraw (non-solid) is used in the same way but for example for the water brushes.

Something else I wanted to add. About caulk. Caulk is not visible in the game. Nor does it produce the Hall of Mirrors by itself. If you put a caulked brush in the middle of the room you will only see its shadow. However, if you caulk a wall which touches the void, only then you'll see the HOM because you in fact see the void thru trasparent caulk.


Also there is no real benefit in caulking outside areas of your maps because all structural surfaceses which are completely "hidden" by other structural brushes or completely touch the void, are automtically disregarded by the compiler, textured or not. You should however use caulk:

- behind patch meshes (curves) as was said above.

- on hidden sides of detail brushes which touch other detail brushes cuz those are being processed even when hidden. (hope that makes sense :) )

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Xcom: Well yes... but I put caulk in between glass brushes instead of nodraw_solid and that seemed to work fine...


Volrath: That's what I thought... as I understand it, it just helps out framerates to caulk outside textures while it doesn't really affect compiling?




I suppose my real question is, in what situation is it absolutely best to use nodraw_solid/nodraw instead of caulk and why? :)


I've yet to find any reason to use it at all.

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found this in the radiant manual.



Location: (textures/common/trigger)

Color: Opaque light yellow

Game Function: This is the same as nodraw


so in essence, the nodrawsolid texture is the same ****in thing as nodraw. now the real question should be, why is it there then?



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