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I compared the Original and the X-Box versions


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I have been comparing the Original Version's Screenshots to this X-BOX Version and I must say I am severely disapointed in LEC. This version looks HORRIBLE!!! They screwed up big time. The textures and level construction are pathetic compared to the old ones, the lightsaber looks retarded, the trail effect is worse than the TPM game! Lightsabers dont blur like that. The characters look like cartoons, and obi-wan's costume is too blocky, it was much smoother before. Im betting they did away with all the features that I was drooling over, such as the glyph system, and all the awsome acrobatics. The phisics engine was probably trashed in favor of some lame TPM effets. This game is doomed. Plus I really hate the idea of having to spend over $300 Just to play it on a console I dont even want!. And you know this game has got to be bad for the simple fact that I love the PSX version of Jedi Power Battles, and that game has been trashed by reviewers. I wasted 2 months of my life devoting myself to building up my Obi-Wan clan The Phantom Knights only to see this crap as the result. I am content with my Jedi Power Battles, so I dont plan to buy anymore LEC games until they come out with somthing worth buying. PREFERABLY A RESTORED OBI-WAN FOR PC/PS2. If you want to see screens from the Original PC version to make your own comparison, visit my website <A HREF="http://members.aol.com/PK20001/">Phantom Knights</A>


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Guest Kurgan

If you like Jedi Power Battles, especially the PSX version, I would think ANY game would be a step up, no offense. ; )


The press release contains some promising tidbits, however:




Brandish a Lightsaber and Master the Force Against an Intense Onslaught of Menacing Foes and a Powerful New Enemy



SAN RAFAEL, Calif. -- May 17, 2001 -- LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC and one of the Star Wars galaxy's greatest heroes make their Xbox video game system debut with the spectacular action game Star Wars Obi-Wan. Expected to release winter 2001, Star Wars Obi-Wan will bring all the drama and intense action of Star Wars to Xbox, one of interactive entertainment's most eagerly anticipated game platforms.


With his lightsaber and the Force to assist him, Obi-Wan works his way through more than 15 treacherous and challenging levels. Throughout the course of the game the legendary Jedi Knight battles an unsavory cast of new and familiar enemies including the menacing Darth Maul, Tusken Raiders, assassin droids, and mysterious new enemy who threatens to upset the balance of power in the Star Wars galaxy. The game's story takes Obi-Wan from the lowest depths of Coruscant to dusty Tatooine and the lush city of Theed.


"Star Wars Obi-Wan for Xbox is an all new game for an all new next generation video game system," says Joel Dreskin, product marketing manager for LucasArts. "Star Wars Obi-Wan immerses players into the role of Jedi Knight as never before. The power of the Force will truly be in their hands giving them the acrobatic abilities and lightsaber prowess of the legendary Jedi Knight."


Obi-Wan's harrowing journey is the central focus of the game's epic story, which begins weeks before the events in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace and culminates in a showdown with Darth Maul. During the course of the game Obi-Wan confronts a powerful new adversary known as the Jin'ha.


Taking on the persona of the famous Jedi Knight, players must be clever and resourceful as they master Obi-Wan's combat prowess and Force powers as never before on a console system. The game's lightsaber wielding system will provide players with an advanced level of control and the ability to complete the sophisticated moves of a classically trained Jedi Knight. Obi-Wan's considerable Force abilities include attack, push, pull, throw, defend and jump.


I for one am looking forward to Obi-Wan's imminent release. Though I will admit the cost of the Xbox is prohibitive.


I'll probably just end up renting the game and giving it a good working over and maybe a review.


Hey, at least now us PC gamers can look forward to JK2 (in about a year).


And hey, maybe Obi-Wan will do so well that it will get ported to the PC later on, with enhancements. You never know...




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited May 17, 2001).]

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Guest Kurgan

Honest, and true enough to my opinion for the most part. Still, having followed it thus far, I'm curious as to how Obi-Wan will turn out.


But yes, why should one care, unless one is planning on getting an Xbox.


Of course JK2 is a whole year away, but we only have about half a year to wait for Obi-Wan...



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Guest Boba Rhett

Obi Wan broke my heart and like a bad relationship, you should forget about it and move on. wink.gif So thats what i'm trying to do. smile.gif As a good man once said, "Bring on da b*tches!!" biggrin.gif



I love Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast and the JKII Forums.


I calculated the odds that this would work versus the odds that I was doing something incredibly stupid...and I went ahead anyway.

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Guest ZeroXcape

In the six months plus between Obi-Wan and Outcast, if anyone figures out a decent XBOX emulator, then I'll try out Obi-wan. Otherwise, I don't think it looks like a game that I'd be willing to buy an XBOX for.


Outcast will be editable, Obi-wan will not. Now that everything is offical, I can wait knowing something better is ahead.







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I am still extremely dissapointed at lec for taking obi from the pc. I still havent gotten over it, untill I heard that Outcast is coming out. But if lec screws up this one it is all over between us. NO more lec games for me, I will not wast my money supporting them any longer.

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I agree, Even though my fears for the feature butchering have been snuffed out (yeah the glyph system is in, so are the arobatics *smiles slightly*)and I still dont feel the game is worth the price of the X-Box, I find that my prayers may have been answered with Jedi Outcast (What my true hope was anyway, a jedi knight sequel) Yeah im still reeling over the death of the PC Obi-Wan, But Im feeling really good about Outcast and Galaxies. My only wish is that Outcast would feature some of my favorite Obi-Wan features- Glyph (or another type of system) for making better, more effective and jedi-like saber attacks; and the mouthwatering acrobatics which hooked me on the jedi feel obi wan promised. In short, JK was great and it brought me into the Clan Wars, but it lacked the Jedi feel, thus not really living up to its title. I never felt like a Jedi Knight while playing it. JPB gave me some of that feel, and obiwan would have saturated me in it. I just pray Outcast can give me what I crave, even though I am in pre-production for my SW Fan Film "Shadows of the truth" (its gonna be tough cause its up to me to create the props and costumes, write the script, act, direct, produce and do casting not to mention all of the post-production. The only thing I dont do is play the parts of my apprentice, and the sith lord)

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Well, for those of you who do plan on getting an X-Box and Obi, I hope it works out for you. I'm kinda skeptical about the X-Box in general. I mean, name one thing that Microsoft has ever made that didnt require patches, fixes, debuggings, etc. I mean if it was just a console, I wouldn't worry. But the fact that they say it'll have a hard drive... Basically, its a midget computer comepletly used for playing games. Can you say Blue Screen error messages? :)

Seriously though. For those of you who plan on shelling out the 300 or so it will cost, I really do hope it works the way they say it will.

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i think a lot of the BSODs we get are our own fault, not microsofts.....


i think theyve done a pretty good job. its probably just all the crap we pile onto our systems and expect windows to run it all perfectly.


oh well.... xbox sounds pretty enticing, but its pc for me all the way....


gimme a keyboard, mouse, 17" monitor and laggy internet connection anyday :)

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Guest Darth_Simpson

One thing I dont't get is that everyone complains over the hard-drive in the Xbox, but nobody even says a word about the hard-drive on the PS2. Bah.

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