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Suggestions for 1.4


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At first, I had asked for a large number of changes, but now I feel that 1.03 is a great patch and only need a few minor tweaks.




I think that the blocking is a bit too effective and that it should be lowered somewhat. Not so much the percentage, but the range of which you can actually block. More skill should be required in turning your mouse to ward off an attack, leaving a side open to be damaged.




The damage should be increased slightly. I think the lowered pace of things was a nice change, but it should be sped up a bit.


The light and strong backstabs are ridiculous. They need a serious tonedown of power. Serious.


No Force Duels:


I don't know who's idea it was to put saber throwing in duels but it's a bad idea. I mean, obviously it requires to use force to throw the saber, fore there is no like, chucking animation. You just let your hand out. Also it makes the duel a throw match at times, and that's not fun. What 'should' be in should be the kicks. I don't know if they are or not, but they should be.




I think heal should be say.. 35 or 40 health for the same cost it is now. Just what I think it should be.


I don't think force pull should be so easy. Or better yet, if it is, there should be a delay just as long when you push someone down. If anything, it should be shorter for push rather than pull. That would eliminate a lot of the janitorness going on.



Saber attacks:


I think that the light stance lunge should only be done on the ground. I see a lot of people doing it in the air from a back flip and other things, it just looks unreal to me.


I think the RGB saber coloring thing should be put into play if it's possible. There are a lot of Jedi out there, some customizability would be greatly appreciated.



Other than that, the patch is great. I think it takes more skill to aim your attacks. Very well done.

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the yellow's damage has been lowered i think.

yes the backstabs should be lowered.

it does take a bit more skill. in the other patch it was much easier to kill someone. im happy DFA was tweaked, but back stab's damage should be taken down a little. thats the only real problem. i like the fact the saber battles are more intense :)

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Originally posted by Halorin

Thanks for saying positive things and not flaming me with senseless and unproved jargon about how we should go back to 1.02. I was sure I was going to get some of that.


Ur ghey! F@G! Ur jUsT n0t l33t enuf 2 w1n at 1.o2, s0 u h4v3 2 run 2 a 1.o3 s3rv3r. sumfag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111



;) ;) ;) ;) You asked for the flames, thats all I could muster. :D



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