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1.04 Release date.


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Why would they release another patch?


Try playing the improved version the way it was intended to be played.


Not the old way.


Try spending as much time as you played the old way playing the new way.


I would not expect Raven to release anything that might inflame more players and require them to re-learn the game all over again.


Besides the majority of the players actually playing the game are fine with the improvements.


The servers that I play on the people seem to really like the changes.

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Of course they'll release another patch. There are still issues they haven't addressed yet(they've said so themselves), and Raven seems to be a fan of adding new stuff into their games(4 new maps in the first patch = good).

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Would anyone be any the wiser if this were the original release of the game? Would people be less thrilled if they had never played 1.02?

How would the publications have reviewed the game differently? Many of the reviews were excellent because of things that were changed int his release. So, the question is....

Go back? Or go forward? It certainly seems that there are many who don't want to be here, but what will going forward bring? More dissatisfied players?

I've adjusted. It's still fun, tho I do miss the old, brute, yet civilized sabering. Now it's a bunch of whimpy saber flailing. Give me power!

(Okay, some of the REALLY powerful strikes needed some down-tuning, but not as much as was done.)

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