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This is my announcement of my leave of absence. Will be gone for a week.


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Yes that’s right... I have a vacation this coming week, and wont be able to post.


I think.


If I am lucky I will be able to read/post on the forums or drop into the chat.


But probably not… :( grrrrrr….


I can tell that all you jedi/sith guys will beat me in the post race… this will send my post-per-day plummeting….. Geez


Anyway, if anybody cares that I am not posting; take heart! Nothing is wrong! ;)


Cya in a week guys…


Ps: just watch, all the whiners will have stormed raven and I will have missed it…. :D


Either that or I will miss the 1.04 patch…


Have fun and stay sane/crazy depending on who you are ;)


peace out!



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