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In the JK2 preview at gamesmaina.com there's a Windows icon at upper left at the beginning of the text which I assume is showing that it's a PC Windows game.


Now, in the Obi-Wan preview the icon has the word PALM at the top a Linux penguin in the middle and an Xbox X at the lower right...


Does the Xbox use Linux as it's operating system? And what does the word PALM stand for?


Hmmm....interesting....the plot thickens! ;)


[ August 02, 2001: Message edited by: Gabrobot ]

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Guest Kurgan

Okay, now to add to my confusion, I swore I heard that the Xbox was using a modified version of Win2K, not ME or XP.


XP to me sounds like a waste of time/money for the average consumer, IMHO. At least there's always dual boot...



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  • 4 months later...

I'm too tired to look it up officially, but unlike when I wrote that, I'm leaning more towards modified ME again, I think that's what I heard too. Win2k would still be better, and they could just tailor to the games to it, since it's a console. That is, they only have to make games for one platform setup....

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Okay, first Microsoft is using a modified version of Windows 2000 for their Xbox. It's not ME, it's not CE, and it's not XP.


Second, Windows XP is a terrific OS. I've been using it for over a month now, and it never failed me ONCE. I was able to run all my games except NHL 99, which I don't use anymore. For those still using Win9x, it's is a worthy upgrade.


Third, while we've been hearing about a few Xbox hardrive failures, these are isolated cases. If you want to bash about something, bash Microsoft's consumer support for not responding to these problems properly. The Xbox is a stable machine, the only time where it failed to run its software was when the retailers were using old versions of the demos for their Xbox stand.


Fourth, I apologize about my rude attitude, I've had a bad night.

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According to tests with some friends of mine (mainly longtime Win2Kpro users) WinXP was up to 30% slower, and the GUI was found to be pretty annoying.


Granted, if the Xbox had used WinXP it could have tweaked the tailor made version, so it could have the bloated elements removed (like the transparent windows and huge menu/bars). After all, the Dreamcast ran on WinCE technology, but you didn't have to actually USE the gui as if it were wince (in fact I think you actually had to burn a WinCE loader disc in order to use WinCE on it). But if it's 2k, it won't matter. 2k isn't perfect either, but it's fast and stable (as far as Windoze OS's are concerned). Compatability obviously isn't an issue (unless you're trying to "emulate" it). ; )


Thanks for clearing that up though. Win2K seems better to me than WinXP, performance-wise. You need a more powerful system to get the same speed out of WinXp that you can get out of 2k, but even if the system used it, they could still tailor the games to the speed of the system, I suppose.


Btw, I did a quick check on Amazon, and I see that what's being sold here is the Xbox "variety pack" which is the system, two controllers, and three games (Munch's Odyssey, Halo, and that NFL game) for $500. IGNXbox lists the system as $300, so there must be a game-less single controller version someplace out there. The games here are all $50 (only one major store carries them for purchase right now). I haven't seen the DVD upgrade kit, but you need that to watch movies, and it costs like $75 (comes with remote). I don't know what the movie quality for the Xbox is (surely better than the PS2??) but you easily buy a much nicer DVD player on the market for less than $575 (with VCD and MP3 support as well). I'm not that interested in the other games, or the DVD playback, so it'd cost me $400 to get the Obi-Wan experience, so a rental I think is still the way to go for me...

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