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BoBa feTTichiNi

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Will you people shut up about back stab. For the love of god your gonna make this game so lame. Your constant whining about everything makes my head hurt. The only reason you want it gone is because you get owned by it. Its like your asking Quake designers "hey excuse me sir these bullets are dangerous we should repalce them with tennis balls". If back stab is too dangerous then go play a safer game like pacman. If you can't counter a simple move like backstab let me show you.



1) max out pull or push

2) get protect when on the ground turn it on backstab will barely hurt you

3) in close quarter combat use absorb

4) when he rolls at you pull him

5) if your constantly jumping or rolling they cant put you on ground

6) if there running backwards at u throw your saber


there is so much more its not even funny. If you lamers would actually learn how to counter it instead of whining about it this game would be much better.:fett:butabi83@hotmail.com

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hmm lets see, when your playing team ffa and all you see is idiots running backwards into fights over and over.



is this ass fighting or saber fighting? common rofl.



if someone is fighting and then uses it because you got behind him, then all and good. but if he keeps running backwards into you then hes a real idiot and i love killing those types :). he runs backwards and i do and throw my saber up his ass hehe.

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As someone else put it...




All of us anti-patch types have taken a pole and decided that you should fill your bathtub with water and jump in whilst holding your monitor (plugged in of course).


Thank you for being the poster child for birth control.


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!

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I hated the DFA from before as much as anyone. It sucked joining a duel server and having EVERYONE spamming that move like there was no tomorrow. No move other than DFA! Easy to dodge (except for those damn lag spikes that jump up and bit me in the ass from time to time), but not fun at all to play against.


I love the new system since the patch. I've seen a lot more variety in fighting style, and have, in turn, used all 3 stances much more often.


If we're going to have the same damn arguement about the light and medium backstabs as we did DFA, all you people go away and quit taking up my bandwidth.


If you see someone running around backwards, trying to nail that move on you--move, throw your saber, most importantly--DON'T GET HIT BY HIT. I use that move when its appropriate. Some attacks me from behind, and they're toast.


Learn to play the game. There are counters to everything.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar



As someone else put it...




All of us anti-patch types have taken a pole and decided that you should fill your bathtub with water and jump in whilst holding your monitor (plugged in of course).


Thank you for being the poster child for birth control.


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!


Why have you taken a pole!? What good will a pole do!?


Taking poles will do nothing. I suggest a little more time spent learning how to spell similarly sounding words and a little less time trying to be a smartass.



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Originally posted by D.L.


Why have you taken a pole!? What good will a pole do!?


Taking poles will do nothing. I suggest a little more time spent learning how to spell similarly sounding words and a little less time trying to be a smartass.




No, I was right the first time.


I had in mind a large pole that should be shoved up the ass of each of you nOObs fighting running backwards.


Go play in the street little man.

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Originally posted by BoBa feTTichiNi

Will you people shut up about back stab. For the love of god your gonna make this game so lame. Your constant whining about everything makes my head hurt. The only reason you want it gone is because you get owned by it. Its like your asking Quake designers "hey excuse me sir these bullets are dangerous we should repalce them with tennis balls". If back stab is too dangerous then go play a safer game like pacman. If you can't counter a simple move like backstab let me show you.



1) max out pull or push


Why should you be forced to take a force power to deal with a non force power such as this? If this move requires a force power to counter, then the force power should be free, much like the move.


2) get protect when on the ground turn it on backstab will barely hurt you


Please see above.


3) in close quarter combat use absorb


I fail to see how absorb is going to do anything for a physical attack.


4) when he rolls at you pull him


Um ok, thanks for the notice.


5) if your constantly jumping or rolling they cant put you on ground


Meanwhile, you can't attack them and are using your force powers up jumping. I can't for the life of me see how this is a "solution" to abuse of backstab.


6) if there running backwards at u throw your saber


Good idea. However, is it really ok that they spend the whole damn match running around backwards? Isn't that completely retarded?


there is so much more its not even funny. If you lamers would actually learn how to counter it instead of whining about it this game would be much better.:fett: butabi83@hotmail.com



You are the lamer since you miss the whole spirit of the conversation. It's not that people want it to go away, they want it to not be abused. How stupid is it that you can run around backwards in a game and have an effective attack? Pretty dumb if you ask me, since there is supposed to be some level of realism in the game, albeit a small one.


The issue is the ABUSE of the move, and the UNBALANCED nature of it, much like the DFA used to be.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar


No, I was right the first time.


I had in mind a large pole that should be shoved up the ass of each of you nOObs fighting running backwards.


Go play in the street little man.


Riiiiiight. Sure.


Gotta love n00bs who try to cover up their inadequecies.

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Boba you're right. The only thing these people do is whine.


*Version 1.02

Waa they can kill me with the heavy stance ... waaaa they keep using heal .... waa someone is a drain whore.


*Version 1.03

Waa they keep killing me with a backstab ... waaa this patch screws the game up .... wa the auto block should be disabled .... waaa heal is underpowered.


And you people call yourself star wars fans ... i spit on you .... you make me sick :mad:

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the assumtion is you get pulled down , he does a 180 and stabs you.

ass fighting is only a problem on NF duels

else use a gun or throw your saber


I notice the people who whine the most about tactics are the same people who have the think they are good but yet seem not to be able to overcome the newbiest of tactics.

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Originally posted by BoBa feTTichiNi

Will you people shut up about back stab. For the love of god your gonna make this game so lame. Your constant whining about everything makes my head hurt. The only reason you want it gone is because you get owned by it. Its like your asking Quake designers "hey excuse me sir these bullets are dangerous we should repalce them with tennis balls". If back stab is too dangerous then go play a safer game like pacman. If you can't counter a simple move like backstab let me show you.



1) max out pull or push

2) get protect when on the ground turn it on backstab will barely hurt you

3) in close quarter combat use absorb

4) when he rolls at you pull him

5) if your constantly jumping or rolling they cant put you on ground

6) if there running backwards at u throw your saber


there is so much more its not even funny. If you lamers would actually learn how to counter it instead of whining about it this game would be much better.:fett: butabi83@hotmail.com


What a little hypocrite.

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The issue is the ABUSE of the move, and the UNBALANCED nature of it, much like the DFA used to be.


I would say that the hit detection on backstab is a little off, but other than that what is so unbalanced about it? I play on NF servers, and have finally started playing 1.03 (which is as boring as I feared it would be :() and had no problem with backstabbers. The run around backwards, I slah their backs. The timing for the move is such that you have enough time to hit them and get out. I got killed by backstab perhaps three times in the last two days, and this is out of as many duels as you can cram into about 5 hours of play.


It was annoying when it happened, just like it was annoying to get hit by DFA the 3 times out of 200, but with a little bit of timing it is a very small problem. The one thing that kept getting me (specifically after about an hour of playing, when I started to get really bored) was the random light stance swingers. If you're really focused they're exceptionally easy, but for me I can only stay sharp on 1.03 for an hour, so I start getting owned by light stancers.


Anyway, my suggestion to anyone having problems with this move is: adapt. The medium stance finishers are as strong as ever, and with the right timing they'll take the fight out of any newbie (lets face it, when experienced players see that model they take a step back, and then come in and kill you from your exposed side).

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ok first off not only are you guys proving my point about whining. now you are flaming me.


1)To the guy that qouted my list. The pull/backslash tactic that was what the list was for not for backslash in general.


2)Backstab is easy to counter if someone runs backwards at you and kills you with back slash its not that the move is being abused it cause u suck


3)DFA with 1.02 dfa was so easy to counter i could kill someone with light stance that spammed dfa.


4)triple I fail to see how im a hypocrite:fett:

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Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think there is one small thing that can be changed that would effectively eliminate the "ass fighters (as the are now dubbed)."


Make running backwards slower than the full-sprint it seems to be now.

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Tell me if I'm wrong, but I think there is one small thing that can be changed that would effectively eliminate the "ass fighters (as the are now dubbed)."


Make running backwards slower than the full-sprint it seems to be now.


Very true, and it would make a lot of sense, since most people run slower backwards...


thats where im at in my life right now :p


Yeah...same here--though I prefer a more hands on her than me approach...

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uhm. You dont have to run around backwards all map to use this technique. In fact theres a script that allows you to turn 180 and do back attack. (just hit one button), and wammo. Not to mention you dont have to have them DIRECTLY behind you to perform the attack, i have had it while i was at a 60 degree angle to their back, and even practically at their side.


You think its so Easy to kill somone who just runs around backwards...well duh.


But not everyone are newbs like that. I have seen some VERY SKILLED people use the backstabs, and they are MORE then difficult to kill. You have to hit them 4-5-6 times with new patch to kill them, while all they have to do is wait for you to screw up once and your dead meat.


Ass fighters are more then just newbies running around backwards all day.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar



All of us anti-patch types have taken a pole and decided that you should fill your bathtub with water and jump in whilst holding your monitor (plugged in of course).


Thank you for being the poster child for birth control.


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!


so your basically saying your one of the people who runs around backwards, hoping to backslash someone...if you like to cheat, just admit it, but dont make it seem like people who want a good game are idiots

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I have seen some VERY SKILLED people use the backstabs, and they are MORE then difficult to kill


Wouldnt that mean that have those players "adapted"


so increase the normal lightsaber swings damags


What servers? I want to play against these people.

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People who complain about things in this game other than technical problems are f@ggots*!!! ...a bunch of damn f@ggots*!


The following article successfully argues the above opinion.



* The word here is not being used to refer to homosexuals. It is possible to be a f@ggot no matter what your sexual orientation is.

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Someone please kill me...


You have got to be kidding...


Anyone wanna tell me how fighting is gonna improve things? What do all of you think? That Raven is watching all of these posts and will take your opinion into consideration? Believe me, they couldn't give less of a crap about anyone of you, or me to that matter. They will probably gather some people who observe the community (and only the most important parts of it) and they will just spill what is going on.


Here is the reality boys and girls. We have a patch that makes some people feel good, makes some people feel bad. If you think that 1.02 was better, why don't you just revert to 1.02 and play it that way? The ones who like 1.03 can play 1.03 and everything is fine. By yelling *******, or ******** to anyone isn't gonna help much. Just makes YOU agrevated at them and makes YOUR blood pressiure higher...


Just chill. It isn't worth fighting over, when you don't have anything to make the problem solved. If any one of you has some productive comment, or a new move to show, just do it, don't yell how other people are lame if they didn't discover it...


Not everyone is the same, some people need to yell "LAMER" just to make themselves feel better because they lost and their dignity is buried. I just usually ignore it.




*This peace post brought to you by the light side*


*Everything else, brought to you by the dark side*


*batteries sold separatly*




(I was just talking about the game here, not the side problems :p)

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