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ArtifeX's Force Power Guide v1.03 now Available!


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Artifex, your write up is pretty good, but has a problem. Please read.


Your belief that the dark side is weakend is correct, but it is not unbalanced with light. They are very balanced now and both can safely be used. However, I have not been using lightside at all since the patch. I have only been using the darkside, so I probably have more experience with it then you.


I have played probably 300+ duels now since the patch, and all with Dark. I have been killed a total of 2 times in a duel with the knock down backslash, but it has been attempted on me numerous times. When I am beat, it with good old saber skill, not the cheap blue backstab. It is very popular though and it is tried on me typically 4-5 times during a map. I have no fear of it now, it seems to be far less effective then many think and ususally means the match will end in my favor...which 90+% of the time it does and even if they were using it and beat me, again it wasn't that that killed me (except the 2 times).


What's my secret?

1) Drain is not nearly as nerfed as you indicated. It is still extremely effective. Try it out more. The initial shot of drain is quite taking of the force pool, but after that, you can continue to drain as soon as you have 4 bars, in other words, almost continually if you want to. I try not to be a whore with it, but if someone has tried the knock down on me once, then I assume they will again. Also on drain, it's effect strategically is very important to note. Using drain will inevitably force a light side player into using absorb. Drain is very effective as a strategic tool to force the light side into using their pool. With practice you can judge effectively by what they have done with the force and what you have drained to determine where there force gauge is at. This tells you when to attack and is an advantage that your lightside opponent won't have as easy a time judging.


2) Slam that jump button as soon as you get knocked over. You can get up faster then someone can turn around and use any of the back slashes. This is my normal counter to it and so far it is about 99% effective. Even when knocked at close range (they are directly in front of you), if you pound that jump as soon as you start falling from the push/pull you will get up and jump over them before they have even turned around, little lone made the swipe. However, in cramped places with low ceilings, you might get caught, but if you have 40+ health, you will live. The odd time I have been clipped slightly when in an uncramped area, taking up to 35 points damage, from a single blue back stab touch, but you will jump past the other 2 hits that move inflicts. If they use yellow backstab, it just isn't fast enough at all to connect if you are quick on the buttons.


- Vorax

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I play dark side also, and i mainly use if for the offensive force powers (choke lightning) which give you an advatage in a saber fight.


Yea i get knocked down a lot agaisnt light siders.. but I jsut jump up and do a back flip. hardly ever get backstabbed.


Nice article, but i think you were a little heavy in the personal opinion area and personal play style

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Well, if you needed more proof I got it tonight, someone who must have read my previous post met up with me, he was a very good player, and he spammed that move like crazy on me! He was determined to show me what that move can do. I mean, I have seen it spammed, but this guy was nutz with it. He seems to have developed an entire fighting style based around that one move. He tried it on me every which way possible. He did get me with it 5 more times over a period of 3 maps. That does show that the move has strength, even against people who know what to do about it. However, he eventually got frustrated and left. He did win one of the maps, but lost the other 2. It was nice because it was just me and him for 3 maps. He only used red for attacking on the last 2 maps. Initially, he started out with yellow. I stuck with yellow the entire time. I noticed he mixes it up when it comes to the knock down/back slash, he tried yellow, blue and red. He did get me a couple of times with normal slashes. The maps I won were all tuff wins. It was a very good duel, and no one has given me that tuff a time in the last week for sure. In the end, it was 2 maps to 1 for me. On the last map, I think he was getting frustrated, and unfortunetly he left with 2 fights to go, however I think he saw that I was only getting better at avoiding his tactic. He quite after I beat him 3 in a row.


Garrod, if you are out there, you are very good player, but as I said on the server, broaden your skill set, don't rely so much on the pull/swipe and red is to slow to use against most good players with yellow. It was arguable before the patch, but not anymore.


- Vorax

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Originally posted by Vorax

Artifex, your write up is pretty good, but has a problem. Please read.


Your belief that the dark side is weakend is correct, but it is not unbalanced with light. They are very balanced now and both can safely be used. However, I have not been using lightside at all since the patch. I have only been using the darkside, so I probably have more experience with it then you.



- Vorax


You could always challenge me to prove your point. I'm always interested in someone disproving my conclusions. Email me at

arsartifex@msn.com and we'll set something up.



ArtifeX *ASC*

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he's likely convinced dark side is still useful because he's used to playing against people that either don't know how to defend against the dark side or aren't quick enough to react properly.


I'm not exactly a high caliber player, but I've always been light, and darks have never given me any problems unless I didn't notice them approaching me.


absorb is simply the most powerful force power in the game, especially after all the myriad nerfs against dark in 1.03.

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Xzzy, most of the people I play know how to defend against dark. I have played very good light side players who know all about absorb and use it very well. I am not saying that light is not good, it definetly is, what I am saying is that dark is also good and with properly employed strategies and tactics, you can be equally as effective as the light side. Even against people using moves such as the knock down/back slash against you, combined with absorb. That tactic can also be used by dark (except with the abosrob) siders, but for the purposes of the match up with Art, I will not be using it.


But it sounds like you are talking about FFA, I am talking about duels. In a duel, you get no opportunity to sneak up on anyone. Pre-patch, I was a light side user and used it until I felt I had a very good understanding of all it's capabilities. I just got into the dark side about a week before the patch to do the same thing. I am using dark now and will continue until I have mastered everything I can with it, then I will switch back to lightside and start all over. My goal is to master both, not to prove anyone wrong. If I am wrong, I really just want to know. If I am right, that should be known also. I don't claim to be the best player out there, but I do study the game. I am quite willing to be proven wrong if that's the case.


ArtifeX, the email is sent. Looking forward to it. :)


- Vorax

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