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quiet bots!


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Can't seem to get the bots on my server to stop chatting. My server.cfg bot section is as follows:


// setup bots

set bot_enable "1"

set bot_minplayers "8"

seta g_spSkill "3"

seta bot_challenge "1"

seta bot_nochat "1"

seta bot_fastchat "0"


I am confused with the set/seta difference as well.

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dont use quotes on the numbers


// setup bots

set bot_enable "1"

set bot_minplayers "8"

seta g_spSkill "3"

seta bot_challenge "1"

seta bot_nochat "1"

seta bot_fastchat "0"


should be:


// setup bots

set bot_enable 1

set bot_minplayers 8

seta g_spSkill 3

seta bot_challenge 1

seta bot_nochat 1

seta bot_fastchat 0


i beleive the difference between set and seta is that seta changes the value in your config file making it more permenet set is more temporary


hope that helps

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