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What the hell does DFA mean? All I am reading is about DFA spamming.. someone explain :|


Also anyone know of a counter for the back stab? I keep getting pulled and backstabbed..


what is the counter for that? Are there any?

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...backstab...today when i was dueling i used the yellow stance unique move (jump up and strike down) and i ended up killing him instead...another way is to jump away as fast as you possibly can or use absorb so you don't fall down


DFA stands for Death From Above, it's the strong stance special move, it's almost always a one hit kill no matter when you hit them (before patch) and now it's still a one hit kill but not when your at the end of the swing

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k thanks..


I like the fact that they made it more difficult to heal, but I now people run around healing and coming back. This makes the duels really annoying. Also since the red light saber is less effective it just makes things slower.


That back slash (sorry not stab) is pretty annoying. I guess I will have to learn to counter it. The counters you guys listed aren't bad...

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