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Release Date

Guest Matt Kenobi

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Guest RogueOne

Well, of everything that I've seen it's probably late October or early november.





At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi, at last we will have revenge.

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Guest Kurgan

EBWorld lists Nov 1st, 2000. However, this is all assuming that the game isn't delayed (yet again).


I would expect a general release around that time, maybe a bit later, but certainly by Christmas, 2000 (they can't afford to miss that big a sales window).



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Guest Neumi

A shop in Germany says Nov 6th.

But it does not mean much, because on this day they get more than 10 new games (including MI4). This seems to be a date given to them by some shipment company.



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Guest Dave Maul

I agree with Kurgan; November 1st. If that's the US date, does anybody know when it's out in the UK?




Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

I don't know why, but that reminded me of a line from Aliens. Which is suprising, as I haven't seen it for years.


"They mostly come at night. Mostly."


I'll shut up.




Dave Maul

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Guest Orbvs_Terrarvm

Speaking of aliens, how in the world did they approve the script for Alien 3? man that was a feel bad movie!


I never saw Alien Resurection once I saw that they cloned Ripley I knew it couldn't be good. They shouldn't have killed her in the first place!


That's too bad because Aliens is definatly in my top ten fav movies of all time.


Now I'll shut up....



[This message has been edited by Orbvs_Terrarvm (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Guest Neumi

I liked "ressurection".

ok, it's not as good as the first 2 movies, but it was nice, they introduced something new.


Today I decided to buy the Aliens collection box withall 4 movies on DVD.


The only bad thing is the price: 90$ ist too much, but I wasn't able to find it cheaper (code 2, english+german language).


Back to the subject: The release date in europe for LEC games normally is the same as in the US, maybe some days later.

The german distributor THQ/Softgold is very fast and I'm allways able to get the original US-Versions 2 or 3 days after the US release - for a price. The first US versions come to germany very fast, but then they cost up to 60$ (games produces in europe costup to 45$).

But I think getting the hands on a LEC game before anyone else is worth the price.



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Guest Wolverine

Predator is better than Alien, but thats just my opinion.... Who else thinks so?




Yer gonna be gettin' me a new bike! I lend ya mine fre one day and ya leave it parked in another dimension. So start raiding the cookie jar, bub, 'cause the lod Canucklehead's gotta have a set o' wheels!
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