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PlayStation 2

Guest Dave Maul

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Guest Dave Maul

Just out of interest, not wanting to start a big console war; if you want this game to be released for PS2, reply to this topic.


I mention this as I have a slow PC which probably won't be able to run OB1 well. A PS2 version would be ideal for me.




Dave Maul

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Guest Neumi

What if we DON'T want it to be realeased for PS2?



I can't remember any LEC console game complainig PC standards, even Starfighter is worse than any other PC only game.


If they bring Obi Wan for PS2, they will have to cut a lot of details, sounds, ...

They will have to change the controls, remove the T&L support, ...

So, do you REALLY want it to be released for PS2?


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Guest Dave Maul

Yes. If you don't want it released for PS2, then don't reply to the topic.


What's T&L support?


And why would they have to cut most of the detail and sound? PS2 is supposed to be able to support a large amount of data at one time.


And obviously they would have to change the controls, but you could have buttons like 'L2 + O' to perform a certain force move.




Dave Maul

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Guest Neumi

Originally posted by Dave Maul:

Yes. If you don't want it released for PS2, then don't reply to the topic.


What's T&L support?

hardware transformation & lightning

But it is not THAT important, because my 3d-card doesn't support it.


And why would they have to cut most of the detail and sound? PS2 is supposed to be able to support a large amount of data at one time.


"supposed to be" is the right expression. The data amount of the PS2 is not to compare with the one of a PC.


And obviously they would have to change the controls, but you could have buttons like 'L2 + O' to perform a certain force move.


I wil never understand, how can play with a joystick or a gamepad without losing their minds.

I DO have a Flightstick and Throttle - with 26 Buttons. Even so I can't control my fighters, ... without using the keyboard.

For Jedi Knight I use only 9 keys most of the time and 8 to 12 keys for the force powers, 3-4 for the inventory, 10 for the weapons, 2 for special stuff.

Do you know ANY gamepad with 12 () buttons?

I want to select my weapon at once, I don't want to search it in the inventory.



Look at the previous LEC console games: the Phantom Menace, Racer, Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron. no one of these game is good as the other LEC games.

I don't want Obi Wan to be part of this group.


But maybe you're lucky and they WILL create another version of OB1 like they did with IJ5.


But Obi Wan IS a PC game, until now they didn't even look at game consoles.


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Guest Dave Maul

Who's seen screenshots for Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee? Those look amazing, yet the game is only being released on PS2. Now, if a PS2 game is too powerful for a PC, then why should a PC game be too powerful for the PS2?


I've read the whole glyph article, and I must say that it's a great idea. A way to keep this idea on the PS2 would be to hold down a button, and use one of the analog sticks to swing the saber. You see? There is a way around everything.


And I know how frustrating controllers can be, but once you have used them for a few days, you'll find it hard to use a keyboard. Believe me.




Dave Maul

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Guest Kurgan

My Gravis Xterminator(s) each have 12 buttons, plus a four button hat-switch, analog, digital, a throttle, and a keyset switch button (all buttons are fully programmable and mapable to multiple key strokes). Not bad for a couple of pads, eh?


So that's basically 16 buttons. I can play JK with it, but I usually don't.


Vagabond here can attest to playing JK with two flight sticks and rudder foot pedals. Says it works for him. ; )


Actually I play all pre-Quake FPS games with my gamepads. JK is different because of force power hotkeys (which takes alot of buttons).




[This message has been edited by Kurgan (edited July 25, 2000).]

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Guest Neumi

Originally posted by Dave Maul:

Who's seen screenshots for Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee? Those look amazing, yet the game is only being released on PS2. Now, if a PS2 game is too powerful for a PC, then why should a PC game be too powerful for the PS2?

Too powerfull for PC? Please be serious.

Why then does Nintendo not convert Mario for PC? I'd realy ike to see Q3 on a PS2 *g*.


Let's see it how it is: the licenses for PS2 are cheaper if the game is PS2-only.

And maybe they just don't want to do the game on the PC, just as others just don't want to do games for other platforms.


I've read the whole glyph article, and I must say that it's a great idea. A way to keep this idea on the PS2 would be to hold down a button, and use one of the analog sticks to swing the saber. You see? There is a way around everything.


And I know how frustrating controllers can be, but once you have used them for a few days, you'll find it hard to use a keyboard. Believe me.

Ahem, I DID use controllers. But I don't like them.

You really think a stick is as good for the OB1 saber system as a mouse?



Ok, that was it.

I don't want a new enemy, i just don't share your opinion and you will not convince me as I will not convince you.


Let's finish at this point, ok?


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Guest Dave Maul

I actually only started this topic to see who else was interested in a PS2 version. Is anybody else interested?




Dave Maul

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Guest Argath

I hope you do realize that the Playstation 2 is faster than any current PC hardware. Its CPU alone can sustain over 5 GFLOPS (an Athlon or PIII could barely match it in a fully optimized SSE or 3DNow! environment), and its graphics processor can push 75 million polygons per second with over 3 GTexel/Pixel fill rate, well over the capabilities of PC graphics adapters. Releasing the game on the Playstation 2 would have absolutely no detrimental effects on the PC version, considering the Playstation 2 is faster and cheaper than any PC.


In other words, Quake 3 would work fine on a PS2, and probably put the best PC's to shame.

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Guest Dave Maul

At least that way you could have internet play. But I'm not planning to buy a DreamCast.




Dave Maul

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Guest Argath

It's pretty hard to overestimate when dealing solely with numbers that definitively explain performance. Why would you want the game released on Dreamcast but not Playstation 2?

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Guest Argath

Speaking of the PSX2, Sony is going to be releasing a high-end graphics rendering machine based on the same Emotion Engine the PSX2 uses.


GScube's memory bus bandwidth is 50.3 Gbytes/second, and it has a floating-point performance of 97.5 gigaflops and 3-D CG geometric transformation of 1.04 gigapolygons/s. It has 512 Mbytes of video RAM and a VRAM bandwidth of 755 Gbytes/s. The pixel fill rate is 37.7 Gbytes/s and the polygon drawing rate is 1.2 gigapolygons/s.


Very impressive.




[This message has been edited by Argath (edited July 29, 2000).]

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Guest Argath

At the rate PC hardware is advancing, we'll be lucky if it matches the PSX2 within a year. The GSCube is designed for extremely high-end rendering, and will probably cost upwards of $10k; there's absolutely no possible way consumer hardware will come anywhere close to it.


Using Moore's law as a base, I'd say five years or more would be a more reasonable estimate. The Emotion Engine, even in the PSX2, is far more advanced than any consumer PC hardware.

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