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DBZ Trunks Model


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ok well, i have no clue how to model, and how to skin. But i would think it would be pretty cool to see a Trunks skin. He did wield a sword, he had very smooth skills with it too. If anyone is interested in creating it please let me know, otherwise im gonna have to spend about a year learning and creating at a slow rate. Thanks :)


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Originally posted by DarthCobra

You guys really need to quit requesting models. I dont think you all relize the kinda work involved in creating a model. Its kinda like askin someone to borrow a few months of their time ;)


I so totally echo that.

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ugh and especially dont request non-star wars models. 90% of the community doesnt want to see wrestlers or anime characters running around in a star wars environment. 5% dont care, leaving only %5 that actually request this kind of thing. I'll bet there are very few modelers in that 5%.


wait until doom3, or unreal 2, or some game that doesnt already have an established world and storyline that you can ruin with your "cool" characters.

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But what about those that request Superman, Spider-man and the countless numbers of ninjas, and samurais, and the other NON-Star Wars models that are available for download... People seem to have gone hog wild over those, but why not something different.. hmmm? I know a lot of you are all hyped about Ep2, even though half are gonna be disappointed (again).. I know this cuz I've seen through a person that works at a cruise line the copy they received of the movie (for those going out of the country on May 16th... sure the lightsaber battles were nice, but more than half of the movie is disappointing... and you'll see what I mean...

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well im sorry that reading my post makes you guys so upset. I never forced you to open it. Just a suggestion. In response to your comments of do it yourself, my original post did say i am attempting it did it not? Just that if someone came along with the same interest that i have and knew how to do it, it would happen alot faster. Also i dont have the $4k software that modeling requires. I got jk2 radiant the other night, and though i dontk now if this is used to skin or whatever im attempting to learn. So all you guys that felt like you would read my post just to make rude comments, i apologize my newness at this board and at modeling and skinning had so much attraction to your insults. Just an idea which is easily dismissable. also to the comment of poeple not wanting to see anime characters in their games, dont you have to dl and install a model/skin in order to see it? If you dont dl it, you wont even know it exists.


Lastly, in reguards to my straying from the StarWars genre, i have yet to find a game with the sword fighting capabilities this game has. So naturally poeple(like myself) are going to have characters from their own personal favorite shows that use swords that they would like to see. But i guess it just a bunch of colors so ill pretend.


Sorry to impose.

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