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How do you like the start of my new skin?

Rem Arcaw

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This is the start of my character Rem Arcaw...Almost all of my textures are made from digital photos including digital photos of myself for the face/head and hand textures.


Tell me what you think...






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Looks good to me...though, I'm no skinner. :p


I can't offer any kind of advice, but looks good as far as I can see. Maybe some of the actual skinners around here can find fault in it somewhere, but I can't. :D

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Good job on the face, very original :)


A couple recommendations I have:

You may not be done with the shirt yet, but if you are, I would recommend putting more texture into it, some shading, etc so it's not a flat color.

If the jacket is supposed to be the same color all across, you might want to try lightening the arms or darkening the torso-portion.

Try putting a little hair on the Face image, maybe a small clump hanging down, just so it's not such an abrupt line between the forehead and hair.


Keep up the good work!



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