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Multiplayer Missions - Not FFA/CTF/etc.


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I've been lurking these forums almost since JKii debuted and only signed up a couple of weeks ago... this is my first post, though I've gained a lot of VERY useful knowledge from you all... thanks so much!


After having played JKii now and giving up Single Player for MultiPlayer after only the Mine Level, I realize that what's missing is the presence of cooperative missions.


CTF/CTY are interesting concepts, but the playing fields seem too confined (esp. for the types of heavy weapons available). Increasing these to maybe three times the size of Bespin Streets would force both teams to think more in the lines of strategy. Communication with your team would be more useful.


Missions with Non-Player Characters would be excellent additions. A team/player would *lose* points for killing an NPC much the same way as killing himself (falling off a ledge, etc.). One could also *blend* in with the crowd in, say, a cantina or Imperial Base, making models such as Rodian or Imp. Officer good choices. The mission could be to escort/protect diplomats, steal Death Star Plans, etc. and be Dark -vs- Light Jedi or Mercs -vs- any/all of the above.


I enjoy FFA Bespin_Streets with Saber Only and some good dueling, but I hunger for more than just the same 'ol, same 'ol!


Anyone else feel this way? Is this even doable? I don't think new maps would do the trick, but rather an update or patch. One might be able to create a large Map that would allow for better CTF/CTY play, though.



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