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It's really simple actually. The format is:

/bind key command



If you wanted quit the game from the f12 key, you'd type (in the console, shift+tilde):


/bind f12 quit


You can have one key do multiple commands as well:


/bind f12 "say Bye!; disconnect; quit"


You can also compress these three (or any) commands into one 'Alias' like this:


/seta Bye "say Bye!; disconnect; quit"

bind f12 "vstr Bye"


The VSTR command above means "execute contents of a variable". The operation 'seta bye...' places everything inside of the quotation marks " into that variable, 'Bye'.


Hope this helps

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Basic bind:


\bind h +taunt

(makes you taunt when you press h)


Drop down your console while in-game (press shift+~) and type \bindlist

This shows you all of the keys you have bound, if you want to change or add something, look what the action (+attack) is described as in the bind list and just use the method above to stick it on another key.

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