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WIP >>>> Great Pit of Carkoon...

Cmdr. Antilles

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1. Practice. I've been mapping for several months now. If you want the technical details, it's a lot of patch meshes and some nice textures modified to fit very nicely. ;)


2. Pretty good so far. Of course, I haven't put the whole thing together yet. (I build in sections), so we'll see. It shouldn't be too bad, though. :)


3. I won't have any time to work on it today. (visiting family), but when I've got something that I think is worth showing you guys will be the first to know.


4. Hmm... I hate giving out ETA's... Let's say I hope that it will be out in a week.


5. Heheh... Thanks. I don't count myself as even one of the best mappers, but I think I atleast know what I'm doing. :D

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Just another post of encouregment Cmdr, it looks like its gonna be a damn fine map. The Sarlacc pit, if you look at the films it isn't all that big, yours look about right to me. The thing that makes it seem big is the fact that it sits in a hole, perhaps that might help you with your terrain a little?

Just had to post, looking good, but take your time and get it right, as much as I (and it seems everyone else :) )want this map, I'd rather you got it right (which I have no doubt you will) and took a few more days/weeks than rushed it to please us slobberin folks :)

Good stuff

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Glad to hear SOMEONE thinks my sarlac is the right size. :) I already resized it once since I started. (that was before the screenie, so that's up to date)


Thanks to some of the great links you guys have provided, I've got some good ideas, and I at least have some idea where to go from here. ;) Thanks!

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Hanksta, while I know my sarlacc is a little short on teeth (to save fps), there were not THAT many teeth. If I can, I'd like too double it, but we'll just have to see w/ all the detail in my map.


And yes, I saw that new map, but frankly, the very first one was better. *shrug*


And, I've totally rebuilt the sarlac pit (not the part /w the teeth, but the sand pit surrounding it.


It's about 200% better. I'll post a screenie next time I compile.

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Okay, screenies from the latest compile:


Please keep in mind that these are all WIP, so don't get upset over the little things. ;)


Okay, here is a look at the new, redesigned pit:




I think it's a lot more realistic than the one I had before ;) :




Here's a shot of the basic layout of the map:




The big thing to the left is a stand-in for the barge, but it should give you an idea of the size.


And if you ever wondered what the sarlacc sees:







As always, opinions, please.


And does anyone know how to remove those shadows at the edge of my terrain triangles?


Oh, and all that terrain was built brush by brush... :D

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In the layout I only saw 1 skiff and a sail barge without sails, The sails I am assuming will be implemented but will there be a second skiff? BTW the sarlac rocks although you cant see the beak to well....




ALSO are you going to release the barge and skiff as models? I think a jabba's palace map with a docking bay for those WOULD BE SWEET (if not a bit large =P)

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Originally posted by Verlex

In the layout I only saw 1 skiff and a sail barge without sails, The sails I am assuming will be implemented but will there be a second skiff? BTW the sarlac rocks although you cant see the beak to well....




ALSO are you going to release the barge and skiff as models? I think a jabba's palace map with a docking bay for those WOULD BE SWEET (if not a bit large =P)


1. I said that that thing to the left was only a stand-in. My actual sail barge is here:




(this one's been improved since the screenie. ;) )


2. Yes, there will be a second skiff... And, I'll leave this up to you guys... Should it be stationary, bobbing up and down, or flying around the other skiff in a circle?


3. The beak pops up when you fall into the pit.


4. I might release them as prefabs... But I dunno...


And normal, I'll bump up my res and take another screenie next chance I get. :)

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Lol, I stopped reading when I heard "screens." VERY COOL IDEA with beak and people falling in, I like the idea of bobbing up and down but is the first one also bobbing? I wouldnt mind seeing one move around a bit (but not to much because I wanna duel on it still.) This seems like it would make a fun dueling map and FFA map and I look forward to release. Getting a Prefab of those would be AWESOME so think it over.




I forgot to add that you ARE god and your map will make the awesome Duel of Fates look as bad as my ewok villiage =P


Also, Will you be playing Star Wars Galaxies? I am looking around for people that will be playing so I can go in without feeling like a 3rd grader at a new school =P

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They scream, and it fades to black.


They also dissapear into it's mouth.


I tried a bunch of different ways, and this one seems like the best.




The other one doesn't bob, because I have a retractable plank.


*edit again*


Thanks, but I don't think I could compete w/ DOTF... That map rocks. :D

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I just watched this part of ROTJ and here are my thoughts. I asked if the first was bobbing and I am happy it isnt. I would LOVE to see the second one zoom around the map but not to fast and keep it in reach of jumping for the most part. I would love to watch 3 people duel on a moving platform. I am here for testing when ya put it into beta and PLEASE select me if it is closed beta.


Finnaly let me end with this. Your thread has been more helpful to me in my progressive mapping then any other, I would like to thank you for indirectly (and at some points directly) teaching me alot about JK2Radiant and giving me some basic ideas of what I can do with it. Because of your help and the help of others my Ewok Penthouse will become a reality and I would like to thank you for this.

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