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Make saber throws more vulnerable!


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One suggestion regarding saber throws.


Hopefully in the next patch, if you block a saber throw u can

knock it to the ground, then the player has to get close enough

to get an "automatic" force pull to retrieve it.


This will make a player "strategize" :D more before unleashing a throw.


You have to give certain moves some vulnerabitlities or they just get

exploited and become cheap.


Please help us Raven, you're our only hope.


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This happens in SP, and it would be nice to see it in MP. Playing against Reborn in SP I can knock their sabres to the ground almost every time they throw it, just by swinging at it as it gets near me. It seems to parry it and knock it down - it's great.


But in MP - it's impossible to drop your sabre. It really surprised me when I started playing MP.

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Originally posted by Mr Tim

This happens in SP, and it would be nice to see it in MP. Playing against Reborn in SP I can knock their sabres to the ground almost every time they throw it, just by swinging at it as it gets near me. It seems to parry it and knock it down - it's great.


But in MP - it's impossible to drop your sabre. It really surprised me when I started playing MP.




I was playing Duel MP and a dink threw his saber at me and I lunged him, killed him, and then his saber dropped to the ground and rattled.... so it is possible... RAVEN just has to program it....

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Hey Darth Wac,


I think your descibing a death animation in the game more than a possible multiplayer strategy. It may not be possible.


I agree with this thread 100%.


Every move needs a vulnerablilty to promote balance and strategy in the game play. This would require skill and only the truly skilled would win.


NERFING the gameplay is NOT the answer! I can't stress this enough!


If this game turns into a boomerang fight, give it a vulnerability like mentioned above.


If the majority think backstab is too powerful, don't nerf it! Give it a vulnerability! Make it require skill if its so effective!


balance should be the goal of all multiplayer games, and vulnerabilities for every move is the key! Nerfing just turns real players into bots.


Like Darth Wac said, it seems possible becuase it can happen in the death animation, its probably just a piece of code that could be altered.


Good Idea!

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100% agreement on this. Throws are simply too easy to do. You can have a player with all the skill in the world, but if they open up for a second just takes a good throw to knock them down 30 points. There is simply no good way during a duel to win against someone and the throw. The person that throws can be an almost complete newb. But the person that must dodge it, has to be more skilled. It's an unbalanced move in the game. If it at least got knocked from the players hands if blocked, and allowed the person to counter attack to some degree, without having to throw himself, I'm all for this change.

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I say we just get rid of saber throw all together, how often does obi wan or luke or gui-gon throw their saber ???


No dude. Nerfing elements of the game is not the way to improve an already great game. I like the idea of having the saber fall to the ground sometimes when its blocked. That would make throw a more stratigic move that you only use at the right moments (i.e. your opponent learned to play JKII at the headless chicken academy, your opponent is "ass-fighting", your opponent is running away, etc...).

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