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cant join MP games any more.....


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new potch is great eh?

i wouldnt know cos i cant use it anymore

i installed fine, now i cant join MP games period!?!?

whn i click join, the music stalls and repeats itself then it takes me back 2 the menu!

i own the game, bought it from gameplay, but i h8 putting CDs in so i cracked it, is it the crack's fault or the patch or wot!?!?

thx in advance

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I only play with friends. The majority of the JK2 community and whingey, bitchy cheaters.


I was having some lag problems, I sent a message saying my saber is off, I'm standing the in the building in Nar Shadda, don't attack. Of course 3 people attack me when my saber was off, and then they called me a cheater!?

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