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I cant get my skin to show up in the game!!!!


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i foolow the skinning tutorial but when i started my game and go to the options and then player my skin wasent there!!


can some one please tell me how i go to get the skin in game it is finished. i just need to get it in game!


please tell

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I have also created a skin which works in modview and my icon i created even appears in setup, but when i start a game it isnt there :( any suggestions to what i have done wrong or a link to a place where this has been discussed or toruble shooted already would be very helpfull. :ewok::fett:

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be sure to have a correct .glm file, or it might not show up ingame. I had same probs with a skin i d/l'ed, also, the pk3 file needs to have the same directory following (/models/players/skinname/). How to do this is explained in the tutorial

Hope this has helped u a bit....

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thanks for your help but theres still no change :(


ok this is my problem in detail: Using the skining tutorial i extracted the reborn folder and placed it in my gamedata/base renamed as steve, then i edited they .jpgs and tga's i wanted to and saved them under a different name. Then i copied the model_default.skin and renamed it model_default_steve.skin i opened it and changed the jpgs to my new ones and checked the file path was correct for example models/players/steve/steve_torso.jpg. Then i created an icon and saved it as icon_default_steve.jpg. I then checked my skin in modview it worked! hurah! The tutorial said it shouldwork in game now so i tried it I started up jk2 and there in setup with all the other icons was mine. So i started a game just a normal ffa, but when i joined the game my icon wasnt there with the others :confused: . i didnt give up i continued to follow the tutorial instructions and zipped up the file as a .pk3 and placed it in the base dir, but the skin still didnt work!

can any one tell me what ive done wrong or make some more suggestions

thanks for any help

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well, i think it has something to do with the .glm file.

if you open that up (notepad or similar) you can see the filepath, which will still be /models/players/reborn/ . My guess is u need to change that to your folder name (ie: reborn to steve) But i tried it with notepad and wordpad, wont work, and modview will not load it if its been changed by those progs.

So i dunno what to do, i'm almost certain the glm file needs to be changed because of those file paths but alas i do not know how.

Anyone care to lighten our dark paths?


btw, do u have shots from your skin? would be nice to have a look at them, just for reference

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When you packed the file into a pk3, how exactly did you do it? From your description, I get the impression that you zipped your SkinName folder, then renamed it to a .pk3. What you should do instead is create a new folder (Lets say, on your desktop). name it Models. Then open that folder and create a new folder, name it Player. Then open that folder, and paste your SkinName folder in there. Then go all the way back down and zip the Models folder (which will bring all the sub-folders with it). I recommend using WinRar for this, since I know it will create the zip file properly. Then rename to .pk3, and place it in the GameData\Base\ folder. Now start up JK Multiplayer, and do Join - Create Server. Make sure you TURN OFF Pure Server. Launch your new Multiplayer game, and in the Player box you should be able to choose your skin.


Hope this helps



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