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viewing jedi2 model in modview?


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I'm in the middle of reskinning the Jedi2 model (the bald head guy) but I can't view it in Modview.


I downloaded the recent tutorial on turning off surfaces etc. and I can use the Jedi2 model fine in multiplayer, but in Modview I just get the default Jedi head.


The tutorial had a file with it called Jedif.mvs so you can see Jan without the vest etc. in Modview, but there was no Jedi2.mvs.


How can I make a .mvs file for the Jedi2 model?? Or even better can someone send me one? obliviondude@hotmail.com


At the moment I have to launch the game to view my skin, which is a massive pain in the ass...please help.

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Septic: I think you posted this in the Skinning forum and I gave you the info about the .mvs, but if not, I'll give it to you again :)


First off, open the Jedi model in ModView.

Next, find the Surfaces you want off and the Surfaces you want on. Right click them and turn them OFF or ON. The surfaces to convert Jedi to Jedi2 are Head, Face, Mouth/Eyes off, and Head_off, Face_off, Mouth/Eyes_Off turned on (those aren't the exact names of the surfaces ,but you should be able to find them).

Once you've got the model looking like you want in ModView, go to File - Write Script. Save it as whatever.mvs. Then in the future when you want to view the model with the proper surfaces on/off, just load that Script file.



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