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i want to race somebody !!!!!!!!!!!

Guest Commander 598

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Guest Commander 598

I want to race somebody on the net.

I'm getting bored...



I like to defeat my opponents the old fashioned way...Brutaly

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Guest theahnfahn

I can race once or twice, so just give me a time. I haven't played in months. I'm going on yet another vacation soon, but my friend has RACER also and I could even race you at his house. Hope to race you soon :o)


And I'll ask again. If anyone here has Quake 3, just give me a hollar and we can play. I really enjoy the game, and would like to play some people I know.



And there he is. The reigning champion of the Boonta Classic, and the crowd favorite-TheAhnFahn

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Guest Commander 598



I was getting realy bored.



Mission Accepted...


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