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My new duel map is now released!!


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Originally posted by inlacrimas

Might be too many who's downloading it? :D

900 downloads in a little more than one hour :D




None of them got it. Like me, they try, it is registered but the file never shows up.

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Well, I downloaded this mostly beacuse of its fantastic looks but while I liked the overall layout a whole lot, the framerates I was getting were a nightmare!


I'm running a geForce3 ti 200 on an Athlon XP1900+ with 512Mb PC2100 DDR RAMat 1024x768x32. In some places (beneath the glass dueling platform for example,) my framrates can drop as low as 15! This is by far the lowest I've had in any JKII map to date... I'm guessing your r_speeds are simply much too high.


Suggestion 1 - have fewer stairs surrounding the temple. ie. 6 steps instead of 12 all the way round etc.


Suggestion 2 - lose a whole load of the rocks from outside the temple. You can't really fight very easily on them anyway and even if you do it takes the focus away from the temple, so why not delete some of them and make the map a lot easier on the system? You could delete all the nearest ones for instance and leave a nice looking fog-filled canyon all around the temple...


The bottom line - unless players have ninja rigs, gameplay is killed by overly high framerates...



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It can be hard on fps at times, as some has said, but I can't really understand that... Ravens sp maps are MUCH harder on my fps than my map... And only one or two of the testers noticed this, so it can't really be that bad. Maybe it's some graphics option that don't work well with my map, that only some use?

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The sp maps ran like a dream -this chugs like anything. Drop the rocks, he's right.


Also, around the rocks: if you fall in a crack, but not a killer drop you gain armor and health. May I remind you that althought there is no way out for you, you can be pulled up by another player. It needs fixing, bad.

You might best consider dropping the rocks, leaving a small surrounding area for eye-candy (not really pretty, but you catch my drift?) to fill in the rest of the map. Also, from certain rock outcrops you can see the edge of the map -nice "fence", lol.



It needs work...

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Well, if it runs slow on your comp, then don't play it. I, like many many others think it's better with good looks than 120 fps. And for you others, just download the other temple maps that are out there, nice and boxish, but runs like a dream :D


As for the fence, it's a small mistake, show me one of your maps plz.

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