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game is dead **** this ****

JediKnight Dave

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i dont care what the **** it does. fact of matter is i go to a sever and find only 1 person who wants to fight a good fight. i dont mind if i die then. *and thats a if* but now i get pushed and backstab it so ****ing stupid. and guess what? they are not fixing it.

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Although you sound like a child who just now found out about cursing, and your post could have been worded better.



The game is not dead. If you think that way sorry, go take it back to your local gamestore and see if they give you your money back.


I do have a solution to your problem, find friends online or clans, and play with them in private servers. Random servers are not the way to go if you want a good fight. You run into dumb people all the time, and they seem to be everywhere in JK2. We need an anti-DUMB patch is what we need. :ewok:

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3 days before 1.03 came out I mailed them about the pull on the ground problem and they said they will look into the problem but they couldnt promise me it would be in the next patch since it came out very very soon.




Now, what u can do in the meantime is find servers that have disabled certain force powers. Such as pull



Put them in your favourite and ur set :)

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