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Endor map


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Hi all

I am making a map of the landing platform on Endor from ROTJ. I have made a new skybox and have modelled the landing platform to the best of my ability....below is a screenshot (sorry for the crappy jpg compression..but you get the idea



I am stuck though, I want the surrounding area to be forested area...ut cannot get it to look good (and it is at night which is making it harder)..any suggestions?



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Hmm the way I was gonna do it was make the landing pad, then make a terrain for the ground and surrounding hills using Easygen. On top of this i would place tree models spread out, then try and get a tree canopy texture (hopefully with a nice looking shader effect) and maybe a texture of tree trunks behind the model trees. Its a hard feat to pull off make no mistake but its not impossible. I was also going to have the Shield Generator Dish in the background. Using *i think* area portals you can creat a 'portal' in the sky that shows another part of your level. I.e. you make the Dish with its own skybox, but you make it really small and far away from the players POV. A camera is placed in this tiny area looking at the dish , then it links to the larger area the player is in. This way you can have this huge dish seemingly dominating the skyline but with it only taking up very few polies thus lowering r_speeds greatly. It's v. hard to explain but try looking for tutorials on it, I saw a good one on some RTCW editing site.

Also you may want to make the death star on the skybox much smaller, it was never that big or stretched in the film.

Hope this helped.

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maybe create another brush around that is barely touching each side of the map? like a box inside your skybox, make it hollow, and delete the top and bottoms. set the height as you want it, and then make it so your tree pictures flesh in with the map. or.... you could make a tree and clone it a buncha times. i'll see what i can do for ya later tonight, i've been gettin pretty good at makin silly little stuff in radiant for my maps. hope i helped a little.



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here we go..just a quick screenie I just pulled off



The textures arent right at the moment, and the lighting is a bit off, but the generall structure is there and if I can do the surrounding walls (dont they look pretty in the screenshot :confused: ) sorted map shouldn't take that long to complete.


any feedback is welcome



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it's starting to look good. Another map I think would be cool is a ctf map on the surface of endor...like fighting on the ground, but also having the ability to take elevators up to the ewok tree village, imagine having duels on old wooden bridges while trying to get to the enemies flag on each others ewok base =)

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I must say like a true n00b that this map is going to kick some ass. I am also in the process of making a map on endor's moon (ewok villiage and shield generator) and if you get a good forestry texture I would love it if I could use it. Putting it at the bottom of the foggy void would create the illusion that there is actually a bottom to the huge trees =P

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Map is now complete..hope you all like, hosted at moment by my own webspace (has been submitted to jo sites just now, but probably wont appear for a day or 2 so you can grab it here)




it has a new skybox, full bot support and 007's excellent atat prefab. Used gtkradient and joradient. It is a ffa map and duel map, but due to the size probably better off as a ffa map.


Please post comments here..4th map, and my best one so far..hope you all like


thinking of next map to do now.....thinking of the naboo circular port in episode 2 (where amadala talks about being too young to be a queen)..



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nope..sorry to say it isnt on there yet...the one which is there is called Imperial landing platform....not based on endor or the landing platform from the film.....my one hopefully should be up soon



ps. has anyone downloaded it yet..if so what do you think of it?

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