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Really Basic Things

Olin Valden

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You really could get around all these basic questions you're posting everywhere if you just actually read a tutorial...


I just started mapping for this engine and it took me all of 10 minutes to read enough to know the answers to practically every question you've asked on this whole damn forum. :p

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Well one problem is they use phases that are different from my questions

Example :

MY question : How do you put a roof

Theirs: question : How do i place a texture on top of a building?


see their question is stupid not a real good example but i hope it you get the idea

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...um....actually, the Quakitecture tutorial just tells you how to use radiant... basic stuff like "selecting brushes," "selecting multiple faces" and things...


And besides, you're not supposed to get specific answers to all of your questions. :) That would defeat the point of learning something.


You're supposed to use the tutorials to get a basic understanding of how Radiant works and then build on it yourself from there. Don't just keep asking random questions; instead, go try things out yourself until you get stuck using what info you can find. THEN it's okay to ask.


Being spoon-fed instructions does not a good mapper make. :p

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I've found out that doesn't work.


Quote "Don't take something apart if u can't put it back together"


Well that quote is wrong, I take something apart and learn the peices inside then try key word try to put it back together.



Well form what you say, Tutorials are pointless if they quote "Tell basic things" like brushes, Well if u don't know whar a brush is your to stupid to be a good mapper,


Key points for mappers


1) Patenice (yes spg) I've turned fixing leaks into fun

2) Smarts Keep it simple stupid

3) right Brain Creativity

4) less left brain

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Ummm... you basically reinforced what I'm saying and bashed yourself... which is really quite a talent, I applaud you.


My entire concern is that you aren't taking anything apart at all, you're just asking how to build everything from other people. :p


And the tutorial I referenced (if you were so inclined/intelligent to look at it) first points out what a brush is, and second how to select/deselect brushes, and later how to select faces and do basic surface editing... and if you might take the take to look back at the beginning of this post, is exactly what you asked how to do.


I didn't say tutorials were pointless if they tell basic things, I said your questions are pointless if you don't look it up in the tutorial first.


And if you don't use the logical side of your left brain to build maps, you will build them inefficiently - your maps will suffer from low framerates and poor gameflow if you do not plan accordingly. Creativity is fine and dandy, but that's not what actually puts the map together.


Mapmaking is an art, but even art has roots in logic.


Real key point for mappers:

Read before you ask and make yourself look stupid... if you truly cannot find something out, ask away, but if you're just too LAZY or think you "don't need" to read a tutorial (like some people here...) then you really have no place on this forum.


EDIT: This sounds very much like a flame, but it is really meant more as highly constructive criticism, and something that needs to be said to people who come here, bash the engine, bash the editor, and then ask a bazillion questions about that very same editor without having read one scrap of a tutorial and actually learning something.


I am done with this thread.

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