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I won't buy JK2!!!


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Jesus Christ, Blade! You quoted his whole post!


Anyhoo... you are correct. You are welcome to come and play JK2 the way it should ALWAYS be by simply NOT INSTALLING THE NOOB PATCH. That's it.


I just started a server, and I've talked with numerous admins about their intentions and you would be surprised just how many of us have no intentions of upgrading to this new version. If what is being said about RAVEN is true (regarding not releasing another patch), then the damage is contained, two versions for two different sets of players, and everything remains cool.


Some of us read the lame excuses of the pro-patchers long enough motivate us to put our money where our mouths are. I'm even planning my second server for high capacity matches. Jump onboard!


Rejoice nOObs! This patch is for YOU!

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the patch is anti-n00b


i guess thats why people like you wont use it


get used to it, the only people that whine about the patch are pretty much heavy whores who can't kill people as easily now, the game can still be fun if you take the time to learn how to play it properly



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Originally posted by Borf

the patch is anti-n00b


i guess thats why people like you wont use it


get used to it, the only people that whine about the patch are pretty much heavy whores who can't kill people as easily now, the game can still be fun if you take the time to learn how to play it properly




Please elaborate as to how it is anti-n00b

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I think the patch made it much better. People were exploiting the heavy stance. I had people kill me just by running past me and touching me with their saber. Saber defense wasn't much good against it which really didn't make much sense. And I think now saber fights are more what they should be. It also took somthing away from the force choakers, although force choak is acctually fairly easy to break away from people who force choak you and then go behind a wall just don't want too or know how to fight. This patch doesn't hurt the game it forces people to try harder and regulates some of the "lamers". And it really didn't screw up that many people because it wasn't released all that long after the game came out. To sum it up in my opinion those who complain either arn't will too fight fairly or just can't adapt to change.

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To sum it up in my opinion those who complain either arn't will too fight fairly or just can't adapt to change.


Don't sum it up, it insults me and makes you look closed minded.


Try to think outside the box and look at it from the other sides perspective, not everyone who doesn't like the game can be simplified into those two categories.

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GOGOgadget, i am surprised that someone who has played cs for as long as you have would let forum postings influence your decision making.


I will reserve my judgement and keep an open mind. I started this topic with a potentially offensive title for a reason. I don't intend not to purchase the game. I wanted to bring in as many people as possible to here a more balanced debate.


I know enough about gaming and the way games evolve to use my own judgement on whether or not to purchase it. But I was alarmed when I read Atrifex's article about how the patch hurt the competitive community. After seeing how drastic changes in gameplay affected the cs community I was worried I would invest in a game that was having the same problems. I am making a new game purchase to find a new game that is as thrilling as cs and I think I found it. I don't want to invest in a game and community simular to the one I am leaving. (not exactly quitting)


I think I have heard some good info on the affects from all sides but I would love to hear more. I appreciate any info you guys can give me based on your personal opinions of the multi player gameplay and its balance or lack there of.


The next game I invest in must have a solid multi player component. I can't tollerate single player games, but after witnessing the disturbing AI of the dark jedis in the demo, and the fact it is star wars, I think I can make an exception.


I can deal with lamers spamming cheap but affective moves because I realize it exists in every multi player game on the market. What I can't tolerate is repeated patches nerfing the strategies and moves to accommodate newer players at the expense of the cometitive community who poses the real skillz.


I appreciate all the feed back you guys can give me. I think it is important that you underatand that I do not have the experience to form an opinion and take a side on this debate. I do not own this game, but I think that any person coming to this forum trying to decide to buy this game will come straight to this topic.


So give potential buyers an explanation of the new patch and why it is affecting the community all across the net and these forums. Tell us why we should buy it if so many people seem so unhappy while others don't seem to mind at all. Thanks, Gadget.


BTW-Do I know you from the cs community?


WOW so many spelling errors and so little time! Sorry, I would normally fix it but after a couple of beers I don't have the patience.

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I bet this will start some flames but...


I got a copy of CS about a week ago with my new video card and I honestly have to ask: Why on earth wouldn anyone want to play this sh*tty game?


Its horrible!!!

The single player consisted of me being stuck in a train, or on other days (it would randomly change) me getting crushed by a pillar two seconds in.


You'd think it would be easy enough right? You're either a terrorist or a counter terrorist.


What the hell does it have to do with anything?


Who knows why people play this game?


I've played Quake 2 and 3, Unreal Tournament, Doom, Descent 1,2 and 3 and a plethora of other 3d shooters and they were ALL BETTER THAN COUNTERSTRIKE.


(Even Tek-Wars, starring William Shatner, is better.)



Sad... sad... sad...

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Lets see, Nightfall, I recall a simple, rather reasonable request from the starter of this thread. Gimme a minute to find it.... Ah, here it is!


BTW this is a jk2 forum NOT a csfanboy forum so if your gunna flame atleast talk about JK2 not cs.


This is a healthy debate. Dont flame it up please.



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Gadget, hello mate I to am a cs player i run a clan and i,m a seniour admin for a Large server provider, in short cs is alot of my online life, but................

BUY THIS GAME!!!!!!!!! its amazing great fun and alot of great sportmanship online, true you get your idiots most of which seem to spam the forums, but then as you should know from cs, lame moaners post a hell of alot more than mature gamers!


In my experiance so far most players are friendly and because of the ethos of Star Wars and Jedi`s are honerable.

Even with my amazingly busy life in CS i always make time for a bit of Jedi2 :D

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You should never go just by what you read on the boards.


think about it slick....of course the most vocal are going to be the whiners......do you ever hear much GOOD news on the news? NOPE..


same thing on these boards...


Those happy with the game are PLAYING it *gasp*


those not happy about the patch are here bitching


so no **** they'res a lot of negative posts about the patch.....those who love it (I'm one of them) are going to be more busy playing then whining.


and "nerfing" strategy for "skilled" players???


try 90% of the whiners are the cheap players with NO skill that spam the 1 hit kill moves.....


here's a hint..DO MORE HOMEWORK.


you said you wanted the game till you read the forums? Don't be a dupe...go buy the damn game already.


you'll love SP..and MP is just as addicting.

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think about it slick....of course the most vocal are going to be the whiners......do you ever hear much GOOD news on the news? NOPE..



Todays news....... Hey its all gonna work out, here`s Kate with the weather!

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma

they only 'nerfed' it for the lame grip whores a drain whores and heal whores they are the ones bitching the new patch is great it makes the game BETTER, man this bored is gone to crap should call it "Lucasforums Whine board"

Erhm? Am i a whore becouse i use force heal? :confused:

If force heal is so whore'ish why is it in the game then??

I'm not spamming it, i hate people who does, but the force powers is there TO USE!

I could call you a whining whore becouse you are whining as h*ll!

I don't care about what they ''nerf'' and what they don't, I love the game anyways, so to all whiners: Stop whining, start playing, or don't play, BUT STOP WHINING FFS!!!! :mad:

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Stop whining, start playing, or don't play, BUT STOP WHINING FFS!!!!


I couldn't agree more, I think the Force Powers are utterly lame, so I play NF servers. People should calm down about them...its much easier, thanks to the patch, to find NF servers.

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