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Tribes 2 ...


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This is to fellow Tribes 2 players who see the pattern:


Anyone have that kinda move on .. and feeling of dissapointment after seeing what Raven gave us with 1.03?


I'm kinda bummed out.


Sadly, this game is nerfed pretty bad.


I'm all for game balance that reduces buggy behavior - but not ones that punishes skilled players or limits functions.


Instead of making something weaker, make the ability to counter it stronger, etc. Add - do not subtract.


This just reminds me of the flight ceilings, weak jetpack energies, slowed shrike, and floaty feelings of the last Tribes 2 patches.


Lots of tweaks that nerfed things in the name of balance.


I warned Raven never to make drastic gameplay changes and they didn't listen.


It's like Tribes 2 all over again ...


I'm very skeptical about the future of SOF 2 and Quake 4.


If this is how Raven deals with balance issues, I may think twice before jumping into another 'Raven brand' game.


Too bad, I really thought Raven was a unique dev team - JK2 was such a great game (via 1.02) but now it's like Quake 3 with overpowered flashlights and gimmick runes.



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I still can't believe all the folks that say the post patch game requires less/no skill!!??!!?


After playing it for a while and PRACTICING...it becomes obvious that it takes MORE skill.


Here's a hint...stop mashing buttons!...seriously..just take it easy and time your keypresses and you'll see exactly what I mean.


The kills I get now are due much more to skill than luck like they were pre-patch..c'mon folks..play it...learn it and you'll see.


Of course I do agree that there are still many gank players out there that exploit lame moves...but if you get lucky and find someone that likes to fight fair, the only way to win is to use skill.

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Well, it's better than spending the money on therapy :D


Don't worry about it. Someone at Raven was taking a nap and he managed to write and release the code in his sleep--it was actually just the product of a bad nightmare he had.


They've been justifying ever since--trying to pass it off as intentional, but they'll get around to fixing it :p

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Originally posted by Vestril

Well, it's better than spending the money on therapy :D


Don't worry about it. Someone at Raven was taking a nap and he managed to write and release the code in his sleep--it was actually just the product of a bad nightmare he had.


They've been justifying ever since--trying to pass it off as intentional, but they'll get around to fixing it :p


Boy don't you just love all these imaginitave minds these young ones have.


Raven could code alot better than you, that's for sure, so don't criticise their coding. They coded based off of what we (the community) wanted. They didn't include anything the community didn't want them to.

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Whoah. Back that train up buddy.



I'm a vet of t1, and bought t2 the first day it came out



I also bought JK2 and then upgraded to the 1.03 patch


Uhm, they did NOT nerf it to ANYWHERE comparable to the t2 nerfing.


T2 nerfed shrikes, it nerfed skiing, hell Dynamix nerfed the ****ing game.


T1 was such a great game BECAUSE of skiing, because of the HO(heavy offense), because a HO could out ski a scout(aka shrike)


Then Dave G, decided that we would be better off having a slower, more team game.


t1 was already balanced, and everything. t1's solution to the HO was the mine disk.


T1 turned out perfect....t2....got nerfed because of one mans vision to **** it up



Please, dont compare this to t2.

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T2 was a dissapointing joke of a game.


I think the players here are extremely egocentric. This game has only been out a short while and the demo just came out last week. You guys seem to think you are the entire player base.


I just started last week and I'm sure many more will buy the game after playing the demo. They will have no knowledge of the patch and the BS whining (that accomodates every game patch ever made).


If all of you stopped playing tomorrow I doubt that will prevent a premier Star Wars title from selling a few hundred thousand copies.


This game is great as is and the mods will only make it better. STFU and fight. Jedi's dont whine ;)

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After playing it for a while and PRACTICING...it becomes obvious that it takes MORE skill.


... Perhaps you only play NF Duel Goomoo. If so, then yes, duelling takes more skill... But FF duel, FFA and CTF? It's who pulls wins. If you haven't been on the receiving end of that, by god you must have led a sheltered life.


I'm really bummed about the recent patch and the current state of the game/community.


There are many such as we NewB. I and others will campaign for rectification in 1.04 until we die from lack of sleep, but it's in the lap of the gods. Let us pray, and do the best we can!

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Originally posted by GooglyMoogly

I still can't believe all the folks that say the post patch game requires less/no skill!!??!!?


After playing it for a while and PRACTICING...it becomes obvious that it takes MORE skill.


Here's a hint...stop mashing buttons!...seriously..just take it easy and time your keypresses and you'll see exactly what I mean.


The kills I get now are due much more to skill than luck like they were pre-patch..c'mon folks..play it...learn it and you'll see.


Of course I do agree that there are still many gank players out there that exploit lame moves...but if you get lucky and find someone that likes to fight fair, the only way to win is to use skill.


Sure it takes a lot more skill when the time in which you can actually land a blow is minute. Why do you assume we are all mashing buttons? I DO NOT MASH BUTTONS! I didn't in 1.02 and I don't in 1.03. The fact still remains that the blocking and the collision is bugged. Go test it out extensively and you'll find it. There is already a demo out showing how "bugged" the saber is now. I fought this one guy yesterday. He had obviously had far more practice with 1.03 than I had. I still gave him a very hard time. I just blocked most of the things that came in. I lost in the end, but my point is that this guy should have been able to smack me down in no-time because he was obviously better.

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That's absolutely correct in every respect Nill, the point is that the divide between newbie and expert has shrunk. Oh, the experts still win... but they have a much harder time of it, because it's very possible for a newbie to accidentally kill an expert, or to find an expert in an inescapable position ie: Expert has no mana left for absorb after killing some people, newbie comes across him, pulls/backswings him.

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Really, I'm glad to see all the T2 bashing going on here.


I used to think that T2 sucks, but when I rejoined my clan and started practicing for T2 matches with them, I eventually got over the learning curve.


It's a very fun game. Call it horrendous, but don't try and make it sound like your opinion is factual. I know lots of people that like it.


I'm relatively new to JK2 MP, since I played through the SP missions first.


I won't go on complaining about the patch because it didn't really affect me, me being new to MP and all.



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Originally posted by Bl4de


Boy don't you just love all these imaginitave minds these young ones have.


Raven could code alot better than you, that's for sure, so don't criticise their coding. They coded based off of what we (the community) wanted. They didn't include anything the community didn't want them to.


I can't write code at all, so it wouldn't be difficult to do so. I apologize for wounding you so, but that was what we in Southern California like to call a joke.


Your statment that they didn't include anything the community didn't want them to is blatantly incorrect. They didn't include anything some members of the community didn't want them to. They did a sloppy job because they rushed to release the patch, and did not give it near enough thought and certainly not enough testing.


I have no doubt that Raven built a better game than I ever could, and released a better patch than I could have, but IMO they released a poorer patch than they could have.

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yes they have nerfed it out , if u look at dark forces 2 its still one of the fastest games out there and u still need more skill to play that than any game, it may have been a little too fast for some people but i liked the speed...soemthing thats lacking in jk2, they slowed it down way too much....part of the skill in jk was not killing urself by running into a wall or not having a good landing...i remember takin a week to try and stop my self from constant suicides, everytime raven comes out with a new patch or something they dont balance it all out i think, they just weaken the powers that alot of you complain about, forcing them to use the next strongest attact (ie ass fighting) if gameplay was sped up i think it would take alot more skill to play because as of now it is far too slow for any outstanding skill in the game, a note to raven the graphics like all ur games are great, and with a little tweaking u could have great gameplay, but right now its kinda of boring just watching people find the next strongest attack and whoring that out completely.....1 way to help would be to add more acrobatic moves, there are quite a few animations that cant be done by people but are in the game...so put them in there try something besides weakening everything.

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Originally posted by NewBJedi

Vestril has the Santa Barbara sarcastic wit.


Gotta love it. :p


Thats an SB trait? I guess I need to get off of UCSB more...most of the people there are barely intelligent to string together a sentence that makes sense...:p

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