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multiplayer is absolutly disgusting now


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On a few exceptions, this thread is extremely stupid. It contains no usefull information and it even includes something that I actually find offensive. Please, no more talk about America and their "war against terror". I don't want to hear anything about it.


One--what, exactly are you talking about:confused: I seriously just went through this thread three times and couldn't find that to which you refer...could you quote it for me?...


Two--don't read it if you don't want to hear anything about it. You read the title--you knew what you were getting into.

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Originally posted by Owen Yu



Yeah, take that in your mouth, 'cause that's all that's going to result from your whining.


Precedence shows that this is not the case. Raven catered to the most vocal people when they released 1.03... it stands to reason that they would do things this way again.

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still doesnt explain why people lose sleep of a game, of any type.

i think it goes back to the way our society functions, basically people feel everything must exist to fullfill there own inate desires. Personally i hate movie critics because i really dont care what someone thinks about a movie as long as i like it. Same goes for anything else. And if i dont like something, oh well onto the next. I guess i can understand being turned off when people change something you immensly like, for me that was cs, i was great at it, loved it and they changed it drastically. My comment/response, stopped playing. I didnt lose much sleep over it because i didnt create the game, i just enjoyed it. People act like the game companies owe them there first born just because they paid for a product. My thought on it is, sure i paid for what "they" gave me. If i dont like it, thats my problem, not theirs. I didnt ask for a patch for jk2, but i sure as hell got one, and i feel the fact that raven was considerate enough to try and enhance the game,then ill be considerate enough to get with the program or get out.


nuff said,


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Hey Silent Wolf...I'm back (if you remember me at all).


I don't have this game yet so I can't voice my opinion. I'm gonna say right now, whining isn't gonna do ANYTHING. Look at all these stinkin threads. Do you think we need another about this? If your mad go post in one of the hundreds of others. All the threads might as well have the same subject line.

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uh, yeah whatever. People hate critics and then post their thoughts thus in essence being a critic. Then there are those that whine about "whiners". I would think that if u really thought that way u wouldn't post at all and be busy playing the game.

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I don't know if you guys are referring to my whining, but basically, this is what a game forum is for. Whining, complaining, voicing your opinion, sharing the love of the game, comment on playing the game etc.... it's all in a game forum, and you can't do much about it.


But this community sure is one of the most offensive, complaining and self-destructive I have ever laid eyes on. And you seem to attract the most ignorant, immature posters of all time, but that's probably just because of the starwars aspect.


Whining and complaining GETS you somewhere, but only if done in a civil, behaved, relaxed and constructive manner.


What i mean is that its not just enough to say that you are against this, this and this, but you also have to mention that you are FOR, and support this, this and this, and the game would be better if we replaced this with this. I know many do this, but at the same time, this forum has a TON who don't.


And please, quote the poster you are referring to, so I don't have to be confused finding another poster you guys hate.

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but basically, this is what a game forum is for. Whining, complaining, voicing your opinion, sharing the love of the game, comment on playing the game etc.... it's all in a game forum, and you can't do much about it.



You sir have it backwards, forums are for intelectually expressing ideas in a non-combative manner. I nor anyone else has any problem with a good debate, however posts such as "This game0rz sux0rz" or "omfg patch is the ghey!" coupled with poorly written debates are grounds for punishment. The forums were not always like this belive me, they were kinder, and a hell of a lot smarter. However, like all popular things in life comes the advent of the bandwagon jumpers, they are here to stay more or less, i just dont mind making them feel unwelcome.


As a final thought, intelligent posts are welcomed and encouraged, even if a person disagrees they are more likely to support your idea or give you the time of day if it doesnt include profanity, simplistic thoughts, or blatent negativity. Because really, who likes people who are negative anyways?



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My comment/response, stopped playing. I didnt lose much sleep over it because didnt create the game, i just enjoyed it. People act like the game companies owe them there first born just because they paid for a product. My thought on it is, sure i paid for what "they" gave me. If i dont like it, thats my problem, not theirs. I didnt ask for a patch for jk2, but i sure as hell got one, and i feel the fact that raven was considerate enough to try and enhance the game,then ill be considerate enough to get with the program or get out.


I disagree with that concept. I paid for a game that had acertain sort of flow and dynamic to it. There are some people who put a lot of research into the game beforehand, to see to it that they bought a game worth playing. By changing the game around drastically, in the first patch, Raven kind of gave the finger to all the people who spent time looking into the game, and to the people who were enjoying the game as it was.


They rushed to patch the game, and though I applaud their willingness to attempt at support, it was a poor attempt. I think that they should have trusted there QA people, who must have been satisfied with the game when they released it, rather than taking the advice of virtually all of the most vocal complainers. Rather than releasing the changes subtly, one patch at a time, or taking the time to put some thought into the patch, they pushed it out as quickly as possible.


I suppose it makes a certain amount of sense to change the game quickly, if you're going to change it--that way people don't get too settled into their routines, but I think they could have released a much more balanced and fun patch if they had waited another month.


Yes, they tried to enhance the game--but they haven't finished at that yet, and if they think they have, and this winds up as the last patch, I will seriously reevaluate Raven as a company.

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

im glad you dont like the game anymore, one less n00b


Yes Wolf, I see your point, intelligent, well thought out posts are the way to go :(



I mean...if you had posted that like a month ago, I wouldn't be complaining, but you posted it something like 4 hours ago, and then proceeded to harp on trolls. I suggest you take your own advice.

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Originally posted by Verlex

To silent wolf...






(check all boxes that apply)

Directed to:


[ ] Llama

[ ] Clueless Newbie

[ ] Lamer

[ ] Flamer

[ ] "Me too"-er

[ ] Pervert

[ ] Geek

[ ] Spammer

[ ] Racist

[ ] Freak

[ ] Troller

[ ] Fundamentalist

[ ] Satanist

[ ] "Expert"

[ ] Pool of Slime

[ ] Redneck

[ ] Shameless Punk

[ ] Twit

[ ] Wannabe

[ ] Dumbass

[ ] Waste of Skin

[x] Other: "your a n00b!"er


You Are Being Flamed Because:


[ ] You obviously don't know anything about the topic at hand

[ ] You posted a ?False Advertisement? post.

[ ] You posted something involving legal crap.

[ ] You quoted an ENTIRE post in your reply

[ ] You started a long, stupid thread

[ ] You continued spreading a long, stupid thread

[ ] Your lack of understanding of the fundamentals is disgusting

[ ] You posted a racist message

[ ] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message

[x] You posted low-IQ flamebait

[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll

[ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll

[ ] You said "X rules, Y sucks" and gave no support for your lame statement

[ ] You said "me too" to something

[ ] You make no sense

[ ] You made a post yet failed to say anything

[ ] Your sig/alias/server is dreadful

[ ] Your post contained nothing but psycho-babble.

[ ] You are claiming that you know more than Newton, Ohm, Pavlov, etc.

[ ] Your margin settings (or lack of) make your post unreadable

[ ] You made a baseless assertion


[ ] YoU tYpEd SoMeThInG lAmE lIkE tHiS

[x] You say your ?L33t liek ae n00b.?, Or your spelling is so bad that no one can read it.

[ ] Your a heartless, braindead waste of space.

[ ] You claim the US is a big bully trying to take on "poor innocent little countries/people"

[ ] You support the terrorist actions

[ ] You support the Islamic Extremists and their "Holy War"

[ ] You support the Taliban.

[x] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally worthless that you are being flamed anyway.

[ ] You posted an off-topic thread on the wrong board.

[ ] You can't spell worth beans.

[ ] The world would be better off with people like you NOT in it.


To Repent, You Must:


[ ] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing

[x] Read every group you posted to for a week

[x] Give up your AOL account

[x] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it

[x] Tell your Mommy to up your medication

[x] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor (monitor must be plugged in)

[x] Actually post something relevant

[ ] Read and memorize the FAQ

[x] Print your home phone number in your ads

[x] Be the guest of honor in alt.flame for a month

[x] Never have children.

[x] Drive off a cliff.

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:


[ ] Get a clue

[ ] Get a life

[ ] Go away

[ ] Grow up

[x] Never post again

[x] I pity your dog

[ ] You need to seek psychiatric help

[ ] Morons like you give ammo to pro-censorship morons

[ ] Take your gibberish somewhere else

[ ] Go back to school and actually learn something

[x] Learn how to post or get off the site


[ ] All of the above


HAHAHAH this is too funny!!!


//me steals form! :D



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forums are for intelectually expressing ideas in a non-combative manner. I nor anyone else has any problem with a good debate, however posts such as "This game0rz sux0rz" or "omfg patch is the ghey!" coupled with poorly written debates are grounds for punishment


uhh, didn't u just post "im glad you dont like the game anymore, one less n00b". Or are there extinuating circumstances that i'm not aware of? A clause of some sort? Maybe u have to be in a special club that has a secret decoder ring in order to be allowed to post like that and then say other people shouldn't?

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Originally posted by Silent Wolf



You sir have it backwards, forums are for intelectually expressing ideas in a non-combative manner. I nor anyone else has any problem with a good debate, however posts such as "This game0rz sux0rz" or "omfg patch is the ghey!" coupled with poorly written debates are grounds for punishment.


As a final thought, intelligent posts are welcomed and encouraged, even if a person disagrees they are more likely to support your idea or give you the time of day if it doesnt include profanity, simplistic thoughts, or blatent negativity. Because really, who likes people who are negative anyways?




Pardon me, but i can't really see why i have it backwards. Did you read everything i wrote? I say "whiners, complainers" because you people seem to think that everyone who dislikes something is per se a "whiner". Then, i continued to say that i like the people that posts constructive criticism and well thought out posts.


What my point was, is that a game forum can't be rid of "whiners" = people who dislike certain aspects of a game and voice their opinion out loud(preferably in a constructive manner) I think i got that quite clear in my post.


I can't, however, see you point other than that you agree completely with me.

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that quote of yours echos the sentiment of my thought that if you dont like it, leave. Im sorry he didnt enjoy the patch, glad to see one less whiner. No harm in that.



As for ves's response, it was well written and i can see your side of it, however i do support ravens deccisions, as they deliver quality. Imho of course.



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Originally posted by Silent Wolf

that quote of yours echos the sentiment of my thought that if you dont like it, leave. Im sorry he didnt enjoy the patch, glad to see one less whiner. No harm in that.



As for ves's response, it was well written and i can see your side of it, however i do support ravens deccisions, as they deliver quality. Imho of course.




Pre-patch, I had utter faith in Raven, post-patch their credability has taken a hit, IMO, as you say :)


And your post that we were refering to was exactly the kind of garbage you referred to in this:


nor anyone else has any problem with a good debate, however posts such as "This game0rz sux0rz" or "omfg patch is the ghey!" coupled with poorly written debates are grounds for punishment.


You used the same kind of jargon, and your post didn't really contribute much, add to any debate--what I, at least, take issue with is the hypocritical nature of the post you made. It was intelligent and thought out, but it was utterly contradicted by that one simple post, made only a few hours earlier.


Anyway...that's what I was unhappy with...

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go back to 1.02 then you stupid freak. no one said u have to play with 1.03 to play online. look at me, i knew the patched sucked right away the first time i installed it, so ive been playing with 1.02 since . there are still a few 1.02 servers out there you queer.

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Originally posted by henrychan415

go back to 1.02 then you stupid freak. no one said u have to play with 1.03 to play online. look at me, i knew the patched sucked right away the first time i installed it, so ive been playing with 1.02 since . there are still a few 1.02 servers out there you queer.


And you should learn to shut the *** up, you retarded homosexual. You have no reason to talk like that, and your reply was a complete waste of space, since it did nothing but maybe make him feel bad about himself. How nice of you.


God, how come this community attracts the most senseless, egoistical, ball-less morons from all over the world?

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what a love fest.


FACT people who want to play competitively are alienated.


It seemed like raven responeded to each complaint individually without taking into consideration the whole of the game.


pull/knockdown was a problem in v2 because drain had no viable dark force counter, ie a long distance offensive force power. if saber toss was easier to block, yet did massive damage to darkies in the middle of a spell, (like lighning or drain) this game would have been fixed.


dfa should have not been a pivoting move.


those were the problems with v2.


now v3 is more force balanced for a long distance force combat, (with absorb) without any long distance spells.


sabers have become uber powerful, and uber weak.


if only the game was left alone aside from perhaps dfa (although, i never had a problem with it) this game would have been solid.


now, its completely one sided.


people who cant see that do not know what they are talking about.


alienating half the community was not a good decision.


nerfing all other viable means of combat and strategy was not a good decision.


making this game more saber friendly for pick up and play kids was not a good decision.


v 1.03 was not a good decision

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and you know what?


i will leave.


the developers placate whiney noob "saberists"/deulists.


i feel alienated and forced out. and you know what? i will have to leave. as will all the gunners, tourney level players, and competitive clans.


you make a good point. i dont like the new version. i will not play it. i will leave if my issues are not addressed and/or cannot find v 1.02 servers.


i loved this game. oh well. one more thing to sell out.

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I say take out all the 'finishing/backstab' moves and make it like JK1 was; fun. I remember playing JK for hours, sabers only, no force and never heard complaints. The only complaints that ever arose from the gameplay was the because of use of cheats.

I agree with Hemi, multiplayer is disgusting now. If you can't kill without backstab, you have no skill.

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Originally posted by Nathan Wind

and you know what?


i will leave.


the developers placate whiney noob "saberists"/deulists.


i feel alienated and forced out. and you know what? i will have to leave. as will all the gunners, tourney level players, and competitive clans.



You hit the nail right on the head there.. Its senseless to argue the point especially since gunners was a throw in for JK2. Its nothing but a one big Street Fighter festival. So to all the peeps who like it rock on! To all who think like myself and Hemi: piss on JK2 and glad I didnt spend money to buy it.

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