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*SPOILER* In Attack of the Clones (about lightsabers)


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I just saw it at a midnight session here in Sydney.


I'd give it 7.5 out of 10.


It is better than Phantom Menace...kinda. I won't say too much because I don't want to ruin it for people.


One thing I will say is this. The saber fight in it sucks compared to Phantom Menace. I hear Lucas severely edited it :(


On the positive side, I think Hayden Cristensen does a great job covering the wide range of emotions Anakin has to portray in the film.



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Originally posted by Hoth

I just saw it at a midnight session here in Sydney.


I'd give it 7.5 out of 10.


It is better than Phantom Menace...kinda. I won't say too much because I don't want to ruin it for people.


One thing I will say is this. The saber fight in it sucks compared to Phantom Menace. I hear Lucas severely edited it :(


On the positive side, I think Hayden Cristensen does a great job covering the wide range of emotions Anakin has to portray in the film.



I completely agree Hoth, i just saw it here in Melbourne. Umm maybe you should take the line about deflecting lightning with the sabre out of the thread title as it is a spoiler in itself.

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Not IMO anyway.


Near the end you hear a bit of Vader's theme but to be honest I can't think of ANY memorable music from it at all and I've been out of the theater for 1 hour.



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Originally posted by Khaydarin

What about the music ???? does still rock as phantom menace ???


Yeah it had snippets from the imperial march and duel of the fates, but by itself the music is uninspiring (i bought the cd too and it's boring!!!!! - unlike Phantom Menace).

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make it a little more vague....like lightning and sabres in AOTC?


Have some consideration for people who want to wait to see the damb movie in a thetare, as opposed to some bootleg crap on their desktop dumbass.

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I had no problem with ep1 or 2, both pretty good movies :) its hard to recreate the magic again..expecialy when this story is about the life of Anikin... ep1 not much darkness since its alittle boy who didnt even relaize he has the force in him.. ep2..frustrated practialy uncontrolable youth.. but with plenty of goodness still in him.. just the darkness is starting to appear in spots.. and in 3 he finaly snaps.. and as they say the rest is history

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Nope, I aint lookin for a reason to blow up. I just think it is beyoned stupid to write SPOILER in the title, and then proceed to state what the spoiler is. It defies common sense, and it is frustrating for those of us that live in a different part of the world that hasn't recieved the movie yet. Yeah i was pisssed, and I felt reason to express it. The bottom line is that this sabre-lightning thing is NEW. It has never been done before in the movies. Considering that this a prequel, and we all know how the story ends, all the nuanced suprises are things that fans covet. I would have liked to have been surprised by the effect, but the genious who made this post decided otherwise.

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Speaking of spoiling LIFE for people...how about the guy interviewed for the fan films program on the SCI-FI network? He plans to stick a stick of dynamite up his ass and blow himself up at the end of the 3rd flick cuz he says there'll be nothing left to live for.


Talk about fanatical. Come mid 2005, there'll be no such thing as the public cinema anymore....every one of them will have been blown up from the innerds of a depressed and suicidal SW fan!


me, for one, come Christmas 2005, I plan to enjoy the 6 movie DVD box set, thank you very much.....

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Originally posted by sithlord-II

********SPOILER ALERT********


ok guys i just found this out... OMG... Anakin skywalker... BECOMES DARTH VADER! HAHAHAHAH I BET THAT RUINS THE NEXT MOVIE FOR YOU!





YOU LIE!!!!!1111:mad:

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If sabers blocking lightning is no big deal at all, why even make the post? I seems for the original poster, this was a NEW and COOL element . Everyone knows how the story ends, it is the little details that make watching it interesting. By divulging these details in the TITLE of the post, you are screwing over others.



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