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I have no complaints about the patch like some but....


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The patch was cool, the saber thing where if its at a end of a move it does kill, thats cool and makes sense. And some bugs are fixed, all cool.



But I would like to have cool stuff added to another patch like more bug fixes and they should add new maps which they did for mp but should have added the demo level too.


Didnt they say there were gonna add a command or option to turn off bodies dissappearing in game?



Here a list id like for the next patch:



1) Could they add extra textures and additions for us editors.


2) Could they add some new saber stances. Like add a saber fighting for a double saber or like a few new stances, look cooler.


3) More bug Fixes


4) A cutscene maker if theres none alrdy for the game for us editors again.


5) more body parts cut off to make it look cooler/realistic

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