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Jedi Knight II Demo help re: security key


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does anyone out there know how to open the security door in the Demo Level of Jedi Knight II ??


I have gotten the security key and tried to use it on the lock but it does not work for some reason


am I missing something here or do I need to get somewhere else

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You need to supply alot more information than this for us to help you...


What area are you in? What security key do you have? What lock are you trying to open?


And I don't know what all is on the "Demo" I've never played it...


But there is a good chance that you may be at the end of the "Demo" too...



Nomad's Place II


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LOL, yes, you sorta are missing something. Since there is only one "security" door in the level (right inside the main building), I know what you're talking about. After killing the officer in the room above the elevator, grab his key, and return to the "security" door. Then, simply CROUCHING will allow you to open it :D Hehe, took me a while to figure it out too :rolleyes:


If I had the time......I'd write a whole walkthrough out. But, I do not. Hope that helps, it's a FUN level! :thumbsup:



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