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Mini review of x-pack


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Well I guess not alot of people have the x-pack yet. I just got it this morning and must say its well worth it. The changes in unit statistics alone are woth the price of admition.



Both of the new civs are nteresting in their own way. Although I've been focusing right now on the republic, the confederacy have ineresting options as well. The new units are all interesting to look at. Nothing special about them but they are visually impressive.


Now the Air cruiser is very expensive to build but it does pack a wolop. Better protect these babies from anti air and air attack these things can flatten things really fast so defender and turtlers be ware. I brought 3 with a squad of adv fighters and leveled a town in a couple of minutes. I haven't used the jedi fighter yet. As far as I know it a quick unit that also can be stealth when you research jedi mind trick.



One thing I've also noticed is that the turrets and towers are more expensive too make and are built slower. No doubt to slow down the tower rush.


Other changes include changes in unit statistics for a majority of the regular units. Jedi seem worth making now. Their tech are cheaper and civs with strong precense of jedi now have them cheaper. also mounties and grenadiers seem to have been given better roles. Grenadiers are nore effective against heavy weapons as well. Mounties get better armour when they are advanced.



Graphics are not much to talk about. I'm not one to base a game on graphics alone. Ther are subtle changes and some of the units have better animation now. The fambaa shield is different.



Another surprising elment to the game is the AI. Well I have been playing against the AI and it is way better than I imagined. Granted a good player will beat it. It's just that it does keep pace with you as far as teching and actually combines their units really well. It's not they are smart; it is just that they seem to be better at combining groups of units together to counter the ones you make. It is also neat to watch them play each other. The computer makes at least 125 workers and 125 military units they will control. Impresive! Very impresive! :darth:


All in all the changes are great and hopefully bring some more players to get this great game.


I definat;ey recommend the x-pack to whomever is hesitant.

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